Easily the creepiest entry I've ever written

Dec 04, 2008 14:44

Is it possible to fall in love with a person just from seeing a picture?

The other day, while hanging out at my lame and creepy haunt, Furo-Navi, the site that lists and ranks Yoshiwara Soap Lands, I came across the girl of my dreams.

Her name's Nao, and she's an angel come down from Heaven. What I know about her besides her strategic measures (168cm tall, 86cm bust, 60cm waist, 87cm hip, E-cup) is pretty much what's given on the site of the place she works at, Tokubetsushitsu, or her answers on the silly questions Furo-Navi asks featured girls. It doesn't count for much. She's 21. Her blood type's A, and she's an Aquarius. Her hobbies include jogging and nail art. She likes doing things at her own pace and is into old gaming platforms (if I understand correctly). She wants an air humidifier. Her dream for the future is to be married. When asked her taste in men, she answers "interesting person". The use of gender-neutral noun here sadly doesn not imply openness to different alternatives. Which on the other hand doesn't imply that she's not open either!

Now, sure, I drool at the sight of an Asian beauty. I have to consciously not drool at the sight of my own sensei. Sure, when I came across Riona or Eri or Alice or Sara, or the quirky-sexy Hinamori, I thought they were hot. I don't have holes for eyes.
But Nao was different. First time I saw her, I had a feeling I knew her. I actually asked my sister if she thought she resembled anyone we knew. Nothing. I asked Maikeru, and again nothing. In the end I had to conclude that I've seen her in a dream or something. And what a wonderful dream it must have been!

Maikeru commented that now we both have long distance crushes, as I have Nao and he has some dude called Rosen (if there ever was a gayer name) in Bulgaria. They met when Maikeru was on a astronomy field trip when he was 17 or so and freshly gay, but Rosen was tightly closeted and they never talked about gay anything. A few months back he found Rosen again on that devils own hellish invention, Facebook, and what-ho, now he's gay too. Way to tear open old wounds, Facebook. The trouble is that whenever Rosen breaks up with his boyfriends, the slutty little Bulgarian that he is, he moves on to the next one so fast that Maikeru can't put himself forward even as the rebound guy before he's already spoken for again.
"My situation's easier," I said, "for 20 000 yen I can get Nao all to myself for 110 minutes".

This of course brings me to my deep, deep grievance with Nao, the girl who stole my heart. She's a soap lady, which is but a cutesy euphemism for prostitute.
On the other hand my heart weeps blood when I think how callously all those dirty married salarymen use her as they please, but on the other hand, I wouldn't know she existed if she wasn't listed on a site I myself browse like the dirtiest of all dirty salarymen. And, a very frightening prospect, if she was to suddenly quit Tokubetsushitsu, where could I find her again?
So, I am faced with a curious moral dilemma. If I count on ever meeting her, even on a purely theoretical level, I must suffer her prostituting herself. If I wish for her sake that she would leave that world, I must lose her forever, unless God wills it that I may find her again in happier circumstances. God certainly doesn't owe me any favors that big.
So, uh, I guess no one's forcing her...

Yesterday I read what someone had written of her. I paraphrase it here in english. "Nao-chan, with the pretty little face. Her body's wonderful too. With that slim and slender body, those breasts are peerless. Definitely worth checking out". While I must nod agreeing whole-heartedly, I also have a strong desire to punch whoever wrote it in the face. Sadly, defending the honor of a girl who went from doing adult live chats as a net idol to being a soap lady, even a heavyweight champion would collapse from fatigue before having beaten up everyone who'd ever looked at my Nao and lusted. And some of those people would probably warrant a good second and third beating as well. Damn those people.

Alas, why must getting scholarships be so damn hard?!

nao, furo-navi

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