"Destiny: A tyrant's authority for crime and a fool's excuse for failure."

Dec 05, 2008 12:51

Things Google knows I like:
Cufflinks; Weights; Jew; Tuxedo; Prostate; Formal Dress; Catheter; Orange County; Pocket Watches

Things Google mistakenly thinks I like:
Emphysema; Child Abuse; Asthma; Cough; American History; Gynecologist

Things Google rarely remembers that I like although they're fairly represented:
Totally Awesome, Japanese Translation; Lam; Sauna; Japanese Women; Online Auctions

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how Jehowah's Witnesses came to sell me their religion. Well, a couple of days ago Dad told me they'd come around again. "Apparently they'd been talking to you," he said, looking at me knowingly. "Dude," I told him, "you think I tell them I'm all for joining their Jehowah club?! I just don't wanna hurt their feelings, and who wouldn't agree that it'd be totally awesome if there was no war and God was here to take care of business himself!"
I do think He'd do a better job at a lot of things. He'd be tough but fair.
"Yeah well, I don't think they'll be coming 'round again," he said.

I wonder if there're people out there who think Nazi human experiments served a purpose. I'm not referring to the brutal operations conducted by Mengele and like people. I think that to be able to call something an experiment, it should yield some sort of conclusive results. If there were any sort of medical adaptations to be derived from killing people just for the fun of it, I should suppose there would be some discussion on whether what could be learned from it would outweigh the moral wrongness of it. Or actually, heck, what do I know.
Now that I think about it, I do remember reading how some wannabe academic thought it would be a great idea to use the notes the Nazis made on their experiments concerning effects of low oxygen levels and extreme cold. In short, the experiments they conducted by exposing subjects to pressures similiar to those in high altitudes or low temperatures and seeing how long it took for them to die.
Man, that guy must have been surprised when the people reviewing his paper didn't think it'd been such a hot idea.

Indeed, as I read the Wikipedia article on Nazi human experimentation, there're the following passages among others: The freezing/hypothermia experiments were conducted for the Nazi high command. The experiments were conducted on men to simulate the conditions the armies suffered on the Eastern Front, as the German forces were ill prepared for the bitter cold.
In early 1942, prisoners at Dachau concentration camp were used by Rascher in experiments to aid German pilots who had to eject at high altitudes. A low-pressure chamber containing these prisoners was used to simulate conditions at altitudes of up to 20 km (66,000 ft).

I'm not saying that anyone who mistakenly considers Nazi human experimentation valid research is comparable to Nazi war criminals themselves. But when you think about it, those Nazis were a bunch of wackos. Their high command was insane. They thought up all kinds of crazy shit. People aren't usually very quick to dispute that, unless they're a few shades of special themselves. So if you think about everything crazy and brutal they did, when exactly does it occur to you that maybe they were doing something right on occasion too?
Nazis did a lot of creepy shit and there're notes detailing just how long it takes for a person to die from exposure to high pressure, cold, mustard gas, radiation, malaria, tetanus, &c. Does that mean people should use this data as research material? No.

Anyway, that was all filling to get to what I really want to write about, meaning Nao. But I don't want to appear weird and obsessive.
Today I want to write about Naos belly button. When asked what she considers her most charming feature, she answers her belly button. Sure, it's just as cute as you'd expect. From a girl who has a face like a classic painting and a body like a nymphs, that's pretty modest.

A-type girls are modest and shy. In love they are introverted and timid, but they're steadfast in their love. It's to be expected, since A-types are known to be persistent. They are wary about people they don't know, but can be weak against pressure. Hence they may be persuaded to do things they don't want to do or associate with people they don't like.
...I am crest-fallen! Why, you cruel blood-type fortune-telling, why?! Why must you break my heart so?!

But, if A-type girls are thoroughly shown concern for, they are said to be very open about their love. However, the timidity of A-types may lead to frivolity on the mans part. I would never!

I'm almost afraid of getting to the paragraph about A-types and sex...
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