FIC: Reciprocated (NC-17)

Mar 09, 2006 11:27

Title: Reciprocated
Author: Zelda Ophelia
Recipient: reallycorking
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2460
Pairing: Luna/Ginny.
Summary:There was one thing to be said about Professor Binns' class.

It wasn't the most stimulating of classes, even for a Ravenclaw. )

fic: harry potter, fic, book: harry potter

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Comments 5

bruisesonguitar March 13 2006, 10:54:50 UTC
This was perfect and breath-taking. Really, Luna was perfect - of course she wouldn't attempt to cover up or be embarrased in that situation. *squeezes her* She's wonderful. Your writing is wonderful. I have to memory this fic, if you don't mind.


brilliant fic! skylar_peat March 14 2006, 11:07:35 UTC
excellent slash fic, honey. keep at it, i love your style.

skylar xx


drowsyfirefly March 23 2006, 03:54:00 UTC

That's all. Thanks for the great read.


hermionegreen March 30 2006, 16:29:44 UTC
A most enjoyable fic. Thanks for the ride



crimsonwhisper July 7 2007, 10:09:10 UTC
How very Luna, really why would she try and hide anything, ever unblinking. Great job.


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