FIC: Reciprocated (NC-17)

Mar 09, 2006 11:27

Title: Reciprocated
Author: Zelda Ophelia
Recipient: reallycorking
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2460
Pairing: Luna/Ginny.
Summary:There was one thing to be said about Professor Binns' class.

There was one thing to be said about Professor Binns' class. It wasn't the most stimulating of classes, even for a Ravenclaw. And Luna usually found it to be the perfect time to think about other things as she jotted down the higher points of what was said in the lecture. Generally her thoughts strayed into the realms of the most recent article in The Quibbler, whether or not she and her father would travel to report on the Lamia over the Hols, and if there would be a chance to see a Zaltys while they were there. The crisp edges of her notes would be filled with her musings on if turnips or Bunyips were best to bait a (non-lethal, of course) trap for an Afrit.

Today, though, she sighed softly as she twisted one of the bottlecaps on her necklace over and over between her fingers, occasionally shaking her head just a bit so the Gurdyroots dangling from her ears would move against her hair, trying for a different distraction. It just wasn't enough; she couldn't get settled on a thought beyond one thing in particular. That would be the way the Ginny Weasley cupped her cheek when she rested her elbow on the workbench and listened to Professor Sprout during Herbology. And the way she would tug on a lock of hair before tucking it behind her ear when considering an important step in Potions. And, even more so, just how she puckered her lower lip when thinking while they were revising in the library, making Luna want to lean over the table and nibble on her lip before sucking it into her mouth and snogging her friend senseless.

Obviously, there were Silenis about. Though she wasn't certain how they'd made themselves invisible in order to follow her around, but then again everyone had thought that the Tebos couldn't become invisible either and they had proven themselves more than capable of invisibility. And that really could be the only explanation why she was sitting in the middle of Professor Binns' lecture rubbing her hand along in the inside of her leg and not writing down a word. The Silenis and their being invisible, not the Tebos because even though they can be invisible, they don't make you want to go and push your friend against the wall of the right hand corridor on the third floor (which, despite only being off limits the year before her first year was still very rarely occupied by other students and thus a great place for quiet contemplation about the various mysteries of life - such as where Fudge kept his army of Heliopaths now that he was no longer Minister and just how would Ginny sigh if she nibbled on her ear) on the way to class and tease her mouth open so you can examine it so thoroughly with your tongue that you know every corner of it and-

She looked up as Professor Binns called her name to answer a question, catching the object of her musings glancing at her from the corner of her eye. The Centaur uprising, he had mentioned something about the centaur uprising of 1303 - at least according to the notes she had written down. "Everyone knows that the reason for the Centaur uprising was because the Kobolds were annoying them so. The Ministry wouldn't do a thing about it - even the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and the Centaur Liaison Office ignored it. My father's theory is that the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures refused to intervene because they could use the Kobolds to try to torment the poor and unfortunate Centaurs into accepting the short-lived Centaur Passage Decree of 1308 that restricted their free travel between the forests they populated until 1315."

Luna had never been one to allow the giggles of her classmates that would sound from here and there around the classroom to bother her. Not that it did now, but right now all she really wanted was for her ghostly professor to give her that odd look he always did when she told the class of the things that the Ministry (much less their professors, not that she really blamed them, because technically the school did answer to the Ministry and even if she didn't condone lying to the students, she really didn't want her professors to lose their jobs - but was it possible for a ghost to get sacked? And what did happen to a ghost that lost his job, would he stay to haunt the castle like the other ghosts there or would he go to teach at another Wizarding school? Or was there a ghostly school for ghostly students where he could teach instead?) didn't want the common wizard or witch to know. Because once he gave her that look, his attention returned to his notes and he would continue to drone on and she could continue with her daydreams while absently taking notes about the Centaur uprising. And now, as he'd called on her once, she had the full rest of the class period to concentrate on just what she'd do if she had Ginny alone to herself for more than just a few minutes. Currently that involved slowly untying her tie and flicking the buttons of her blouse open one at a time.

She could almost see the freckled skin underneath her fingers as another and then another button opened, the collar of her shirt falling open to expose her throat and neck. Luna could feel her get all shivery with delight as she ran her tongue along the line of Ginny's throat to her chin, placing soft kisses there as her fingers worked the buttons open. And she could taste the special mango scented (and flavoured!) body spray that some of the Gryffindor girls a year above her and Ginny had developed (mango was perfect for Ginny, a blindingly brilliant star, the sun princess reincarnated, whom everyone loved and was drawn to). Ginny once said the pineapple scent was perfect for her and she had taken to wearing it every day since. Smiling at that thought and sniffing at her wrists, she wondered if pineapple would ever be Ginny's favorite fruit, much like mango had become hers.

Her indulgent smile seemed to almost deepen as her vision faded from Professor Binns and his lecture to the wall of that third floor corridor where she had Ginny pressed up against stone and mortar, her mouth back to following the opening of her blouse as button after button came open, her tongue tracing intricate designs in the hollow between her breasts - the likeness of a winged panther, the pure and noble beast seemed the only suitable accoutrement to be tattooed to the soft skin she lavished with attention. As the last button came undone, she slipped the other girl's blouse over her shoulders, hooking the lacy bra straps with her thumbs as she did so, pulling them down as well. With them out of the way it was so much easier to tuck her fingers inside the slips of lace to tease the nipples that hardened under her touch. A head tipped back, a combination of soft moans and gasping breaths, the musky scent rising between them are her rewards for her work and she can't think of a better reward, not even having the Ministry publicly accept that Crumple-Horned Snorkacks really do exist could exceed this (it would have to be publicly, of course, because they really did know of the existence of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, they just didn't want the truth to get out. Not that it would be any better than this regardless). She kissed along the underside of her breast, soft barely-there kisses that had Ginny straining into her touch until her lips closed around hard nipple. Luna giggled softly as she twisted with pleasure, the feeling of her chuckle arousing the other girl even more-

She looked up as a booming bell sounded the end of class, startled out of her daydream. Her face felt flushed, she was breathing a bit heavier than normal, her knickers were positively soaked and she had this completely undeniable need. As she gathered her things, slipping her wand behind her ear and placing her ink pot, quill and parchment in her bag as quickly as possible, she couldn't help but overhear two girls behind her whispering. "What was she giggling about? There's nothing funny about Binns' lectures, they're absolutely dull, not funny."

"Who knows? That's Loony Loopy Lovegood for you." They rather sounded like housemates of hers, but then it might also have been a Bogie Ð they were known for sowing seeds of dissension like that, which meant that it was most prudent for her to ignore them. But she did look back in their direction, flashing them a grin before leaving the room. A grin because she knew exactly where she was going and what she was about to do and it would completely scandalize them even more than the fact she was giggling in a lecture about the Centaur uprisings.

In the corridor she found her feet leading her in the opposite direction of the other students who were heading to their dorms or outside to enjoy the remains of the beautiful day after their last class. Reaching the door of the girls' toilet at the far end of the corridor, one she's come to learn is rarely used especially at this time of day, she let her book bag drop when she entered and leaned against the wall, closing her eyes to pick up her daydream where she left off. It wasn't the first time she'd done this and to be entirely truthful it probably wouldn't be the last either. Because it never failed that those days her daydreams in class turned in the direction of Ginny Weasley, she always needed to get herself off as soon as she was alone, or as alone as she could be in a room with a Merperson watercolor hanging above the sinks. Today wasn't any different as she slid her hand down her chest with a sigh, letting her mind fill with the image of Ginny breathing hard as she laved her breast with her tongue, tracing circled around her areolas and running the tip of her tongue along her nipple before softly breathing cool air against her moist skin. She found it fascinating how Ginny's nipple could grow even more taut than before, repeating the action at her other breast after nipping gently at the skin between her breasts.

In her vision, Ginny tugged on her braids, pulling her lips up for a kiss, her tongue slipping in between Luna's lips as their hands explored each other's bodies. Luna reached around to unhook her bra, letting it fall to the ground after her blouse so she could cup her breasts. Ginny wasn't about to be left out any longer, slipping open the buttons of Luna's blouse as they kissed, pushing her uniform out of the way until she could spread her hands across the expanse of smooth skin before her. She twisted them around, leaning Luna against the wall now. Taking advantage of their positions, she rucked Luna's skirt up around her waist, plucking at her knickers, slipping her fingers just up inside of them before drawing them away as Luna gasped and tipped her hips towards them. She teased her lover like this several more times before finally (at least in Luna's opinion, and not nearly soon enough, she would have happily given up the secrets of the Valkaries just to get her to do more) tugging her knickers down and running her fingers through the curly hair between her thighs. Luna gasped as her fingers barely touched her clit, once again thrusting her hips against the touch. Ginny grinned, kissing her again as she ran her fingers through the musky scented moisture of her pussy and up inside of her, flicking her thumb against her clit at random and enjoying Luna's shudders of pleasure. Luna clung to Ginny with one hand, the other massaging and tugging at her breasts in time with the thrusts of her fingers inside her. She moaned softly, catching her breath as Ginny touched and stroked her. Her toes curled inside her shoes at the intensity built, it was getting to be more than she could bear and then Ginny flicked her clit one more time and with a gasp waves of pleasure crashed over her.

As her heart slowed, she relaxed against the wall she was leaning against, feeling as steady as a wet noodle. Slowly she opened her eyes, just enough to look out through her eyelashes, smiling softly when she saw the person opposite her. "Merlin, Luna," Ginny gasped, trying to catch her breath. The hem of her blouse had been tugged from the waistband of her skirt, pulled up so she could mimic Luna's actions on her own breasts. Her skirt was pulled up, her knickers around her knees as she had fingered herself while watching Luna playing with herself. "That was... incredible."

Luna tilted her head to the side, a dirty blond braid falling in her face as she watched the vision across from her. Not bothering to straighten her clothes, or to be embarrassed at the situation she'd been found in, she crossed the room to stand directly in front of her and reached out to place her hand on Ginny's chest. "You're real."

"Of course, I am." Ginny replied with a grin, wrapping her fingers around Luna's wrist and moving her hand across her chest to hold against her breast. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Before you weren't," Luna shrugged absently, unbothered by the change in the situation, while rolling Ginny's nipple between her thumb and forefinger. "But you are now."

"Did you mean it?" Ginny wrapped her other arm around Luna's waist to pull her close as she asked, cupping her bare arse. "Did you mean what you said when, you know..." The last of her words were lost in a gasp as Luna decided see if the real Ginny reacted to certain things the same way the vision Ginny did. While real Ginny's reaction when she leaned in and ran her tongue across her tit was a bit different than she imagined, it was just as gratifying. And her breasts were the perfect size, she decided, to take in her mouth and tease with her tongue and lips, even as she answered her question.


"Oh!" Luna pulled back, unsure if that was a reaction to her touch or to what she said. Ginny grinned down at her, tipping her chin up for a long kiss before replying. "I think I love you too."

And also, you MUST go and see this absolutely WONDERFUL Art that reallycorking did for this here. Ginny/Luna NWS. :X :X

The rest of the hpvalensmut fics can be found here. Including the wonderful Revisions written for me by bronze_ribbons. :X :X

fic: harry potter, fic, book: harry potter

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