Title: Inexorable Sight Fandom: Harry Potter Character, Pairing: Snape, Lily/Snape Rating: not explicit Disclaimer: not my characters Notes: quadruple drabble, second person pov
Even when you dream that you are drowning, trapped in cold water underneath a frozen sheet of ice, and she looks down at you from above, James Potter at her side, points and laughs…
But it is better to see her, even if she curses you, hates you.
Even when you dream that you are drowning, trapped in cold water underneath a frozen sheet of ice, and she looks down at you from above, James Potter at her side, points and laughs…
Comments 4
Even when you dream that you are drowning, trapped in cold water underneath a frozen sheet of ice, and she looks down at you from above, James Potter at her side, points and laughs…
It is better to see her.
I love how you ended this. Great job!
Even when you dream that you are drowning, trapped in cold water underneath a frozen sheet of ice, and she looks down at you from above, James Potter at her side, points and laughs…
It is better to see her.
Ouuuuuuuuuuuch. But in a really good way.
Fabulous fic. Thanks for writing it.
Glad it was the good kind of ouchie, thanks for letting me know.
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