[He's spent a good portion of the afternoon gathering arrows here, there, and everywhere, stacking them in a large pile fifty paces from a couple bales of hay supporting a target he dragged out onto the field. He doesn't know how many he has exactly. It doesn't matter. There are plenty, and they'll do. Most of them aren't in the best condition, but
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Comments 131
[Stopping a small distance away and letting light flood back, he catches sight of the figure sitting in front of it, and frowns. The cast of his features, the cut of his clothes and hair - the man sitting there looks like the shadow of the Hero of Time.]
[But why would a shadow be so close to an obvious source of light?]
[He takes a few steps forward, a slight frown hidden by his cowl.]
What are you burning?
[Sheik does not like fire.]
[He glances behind him, mostly to make sure he isn't about to get attacked.]
Let's see... two bales of hay, a large wooden archery target, and a bunch of arrows. I lost count at four dozen. Nothing too important, really.
Want to watch?
[But he's not quite looking at the flames, more the flickering shadows they cast, stretching the shadow of every pebble and blade of grass in to something massive. Shadows so strong he can almost taste them, and the diminishing light of day - it's more than enough to counteract the flames.]
[And then there's the shadow version of the Hero.]
Who are you?
[He sighs and leans back on his arms, still staring at the fire. That question always comes up, doesn't it? Then again, it helps to know people's names... and it's not like many people make bonfires out in the middle of the field for no reason other than to watch a fire.]
Name's Dark Link. [He glances at the man before deciding to continue.] I'm the Hero of Time's Shadow.
It is. Does this make me a master of fire now?
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