Heart Of The Sea: Chapter 28 - The Chest And Secrets Revealed

Jan 30, 2011 22:54


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Chapter 28: The Chest and Secrets Revealed

Kate’s Point of View

“This…looks like Kate,” said Elizabeth as she held up a small picture of a blonde woman. “It can’t be.”

ZeldaQueen: Yes it can. Sues can worm their way into any time and place

Jack, James, and Elizabeth looked at me questioningly. I realized that I had told no one that I was the reincarnation of Sirena Jones, but now I had no choice. Not when they were begging me for an explanation.

ZeldaQueen: You could just tell them to mind their own business, or lie and say that you don’t know what’s up with that. You’ve had no problem lying to any of them before now. Oh wait, this will get you sympathy and a way to get attention and angst. Carry on

“Tia Dalma told me that I was the reincarnation of Sirena Jones, Davy Jones’s wife,” I said at length, avoiding Jack’s gaze.

“Reincarnation?” asked Jack.

ZeldaQueen: …Wasn’t he there for that?

*flips back through sporking notes*

He already left. Apparently he moves quickly and can’t hear anything more than a foot away

I nodded slowly.

“But…how? Why?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know why Sirena chose me, or if she even had a choice.”

ZeldaQueen: Sweetie? In reincarnation, you don’t get a choice. You die and your spirit is reborn in another body. The only determining factor is what sort of a life you lived in a previous life, which determines the quality of your reincarnated life. So no, Sirena could never have “chosen” you. You would never have existed before she died! By the definition of reincarnation, you are her, just in a new body and with new memories!

Jack thought a moment. “Kate, if you’re Sirena…that means you’re in danger too. Jones could come looking for you.”

ZeldaQueen: Yes, because it’s not like he hasn’t kidnapped her twice and ignored her enough for an escape each time

“I know.”

None of us spoke, and Jack withdrew a smaller chest.

ZeldaQueen: Well it looks like someone’s into pettanko!

We gathered around him, and watched it in silence for a moment. Then, the unmistakable pounding of a heart echoed from the chest. Elizabeth stared at it, shocked.

“It’s real.”

James looked at Jack, impressed. “You actually were telling the truth.”

Jack glanced at him. “I do that quite a lot. Yet people always seem surprised.”

“With good reason!”

ZeldaQueen: Will is back! Hooray! *dances*

We turned to find Will Turner standing in the shallows, staring at us all. We rose to our feet, and I came to stand next to Jack as Elizabeth ran to Will.

“Oh, you’re alive! Thank God!” she exclaimed as she embraced him.

I looked at Jack, and he simply wrapped his arm around me and pulled me against his side. I lay my head on his shoulder, and then looked at James, who had cast his eyes to the ground. I felt pity for him, and I quickly looked away.

ZeldaQueen: Yeah, notice how she shows off there? Elizabeth is having her happy reunion and what does Kate do? Start openly snuggling with Jack. I’m surprised the two didn’t make out to detract from the moment

“How did you escape?” asked Jack.

“Pair of sea turtles, mate. Strapped to my feet.”

Jack smirked. “Not so easy is it.”

ZeldaQueen: Um, Jack wasn’t smug in this scene. He was nervous. He knew that Will would spill the beans on what he did

“No. But I owe you thanks, Jack.”

“You do?”

“Yes. If you wouldn’t have tricked me onto Jones’s ship, I wouldn’t have found my father.”

“What?” gasped Elizabeth.

“What?” Jack echoed.

ZeldaQueen: (Sue) “What? You still remember that you’re Bootstrap’s son? I thought I made him forget all about you!”

“Everything you said to me,” said Elizabeth through clenched teeth as she approached us. “Every word was a lie!”

“Pretty much,” replied Jack. “Time and tide, love.”

Will had knelt before the chest and withdrawn the key.

ZeldaQueen: Why does he have that, again? Kate was the one who stole it

“Oy,” Jack said as he looked down at him. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to kill Jones.”

“No!” I cried.

Jack and the others looked at me, and I cleared my throat.

“You can’t kill him yet,” I added quickly. “Without him, we can’t call the Kraken off the hunt.”

ZeldaQueen: *raises eyebrows* Yeah, I totally buy that line of bullshit. You selfish bint, you just want Jones for yourself and you don’t want Jack to find out that your precious Twu Wuv isn’t as Pure and Flawless as you lead him to believe

James withdrew his sword, and Will slowly rose.

ZeldaQueen: Gethesemane? Sweetie? I don't think "withdrew" means quite what you think it does. See, it means "pull back", as in "Jack Sparrow withdrew his sword from your putrid corpse" or "Davy Jones withdrew his tentacles from your slimy...never mind". You seem under the impression that "withdrew" means that he drew his weapon. You are clearly an idiot

“I can’t let you do that either,” he said.

Will pointed his sword at James.

“I knew you’d see it my way…”

James moved his sword to Jack, and I withdrew my cutlass and held it to his neck.

ZeldaQueen: First of all, this is inane and confusing as heck. Whenever I see "withdrew", I keep thinking that people are putting their weapons away.

Second of all, the Sue is pointing her sword at Norrington's throat. This means that Norrington no longer has the advantage. In the movie, Will was pointing his sword at Jack and Norrington was pointing his sword at Will. Thus, Norrington temporarily had the upper hand because Will was focused and unable to deal with the sword at his throat. Here, we see that Norrington has a sword at his own throat, and he still acts the same as in canon!

Third, so the Sue just points her sword at Norrington...and then what? She just stands there? She can't be bothered to move him away from Jack, or threaten him or something?

“Lord Becket desires the contents of that chest,” he said to Jack. “If I deliver it, I get my life back.”

ZeldaQueen: Ah yes, Lord Becket. Erm, how does he fit into this story again? Has he even been mentioned at all, beyond that one bit where Will talks to Jack?

“Ah. The dark side of ambition.”

“Actually, I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption.”

The three men began to clash their swords, and I was forced to the ground as they dashed off, the metallic clink of metal against metal following close behind.

“Stay here, Kate,” Jack ordered. “And don’t argue with me!”

ZeldaQueen: (Kate) “Okay!” *sits like a good little wimmuns*

Seriously, she's already got her sword out, she's pointing said sword at Norrington's throat! It's not like she's in danger here! She's got the advantage!

I cursed, and glanced over as Will told Elizabeth to stay with the chest. Elizabeth objected, and began to scream at the men.

“Oh, fine! Let’s just start banging away at each other…”

ZeldaQueen: Am I supposed to be unimpressed here? Because really, Elizabeth is the one who’s coming off as more active. She’s the one who’s trying to point out how stupid the three guys are and how they need to stop screwing around and figure out what to do. And what’s Kate doing? Sitting on the ground like Her Man told her to. And she’s supposed to be as wild and untamable as the sea? Pffft

I couldn’t understand all she screamed, but it was quite aggrivating. Finally I turned to her.

“Oh, would you shut up?” I yelled. “Do you honestly think the men are going to listen to you while they’re wrapped up in their little game?”

Elizabeth stared at me, wide-eyed, but closed her mouth and sat meekly down on the ground.

ZeldaQueen: !!! !!! !!!

You know, my initial response was to have a VERY loud and long rant, but I couldn’t think of much to say beyond “FUCK YOU” several times and that brings little to the table. So…spite fic!

“‘Oh, would you shut up?’ I yelled. ‘Do you honestly think the men are going to listen to you while they’re wrapped up in their little game?’

Elizabeth turned and for a second, I feared that she would dare to strike me. Instead, she blinked and drew her mouth into a frighteningly sweet smile. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘Then what, exactly, do you propose we do about this?’

‘Do?’ I drew my eyebrows together, utterly perplexed. ‘What do you mean? Jack and Will told us to stay here. The only thing to do is wait for them to let it out of their systems.’

‘I see,’ said Elizabeth. ‘In other words, you intend to just sit meekly by the sidelines and let your husband order you around. And here I thought you were a pirate.’

‘I am a pirate!’ I shrieked. How dare she? ‘I have fought far more battles, been through far worse things than you can even imagine!’

Elizabeth’s smile widened. ‘And yet of the two of us, I’m the only one who does not let my lover boss me around. How very interesting.’

‘That’s different! You and Will are not yet married!’ I cried desperately. ‘When you are, you’ll see! You vow to stand by your husband and obey him for better or for worse -’

‘And never make a decision of your own, it seems,’ said Elizabeth. ‘How very sad. What a pathetic pirate you are. Yes, it’s true,’ she added, as my face turned warm. ‘To be a pirate is to be free, to take action, to let no one dictate your life.’

She turned and began to walk off. ‘Where are you going?’ I asked, determined to not let her have the final word.

‘As long as the men and you are quite determined to ignore reason, someone might as well take some form of action,’ she said. ‘Will has stolen the key to this chest from Davy Jones -’

‘I stole it!’ I interrupted.

‘Very well then, you stole it. Regardless, it is missing and Jones surely knows what tricks Jack will try to pull. Do you honestly believe that the Flying Dutchman won’t be making a stop here, very soon. In fact,’ she paused and squinted, ‘I do believe there it is, right now!’

I looked in the direction she was pointing and gasped. ‘No! How did they find us? My beloved Jack will die!’

‘I believe he found us because Davy Jones has at least a modicum of intelligence at his disposal,’ said Elizabeth snidely. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go reclaim the chest. Pintel and Ragetti have stolen it while you were busy complaining, and I’m sure that the men would like to still have it when they finally finish being idiots.’

She turned and continued on the way she was headed. ‘Don’t trouble yourself at all, Mrs. Sparrow,’ said Elizabeth. ‘You just sit there. After all, that’s what your husband told you to do.’

ZeldaQueen: Why yes, I do feel much better!

We felt a presence behind us, and found that Pintel and Ragetti had made off with the chest.

ZeldaQueen: You know, Elizabeth failed to notice that in the movie because she was busy telling off the men. Here, I can only conclude that both Elizabeth and Kate missed it because Kate was too busy telling off Elizabeth for daring to expect the guys to act like adults

Elizabeth dashed off, and I made to follow her, but I felt a strong grip on my arm. Turning, I found that the Bo’Sun from the Dutchman was standing behind me.

He smirked. “’ello, lass.”

ZeldaQueen: Kate was just kidnapped. Again. In a manner directly ripped off from The Curse of the Black Pearl.

No explanation as to how she totally missed a large group of mutated pirates, pirates who are hardly subtle or stealthy, sneaking up on her, so I can only conclude that she was so busy focusing on Elizabeth daring to be active that she was a dumbass and missed it. Truly, she is a fantastic pirate

Onward to: Chapter 29: Return Of The Dutchman

Back to:  Chapter 27: Elizabeth

Return to:  Table of Content

the chest and secrets revealed, chapter 28, suethor: gethesemane butler, fic: heart of the sea

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