Sue Entry - Edward Cullen

Sep 28, 2010 22:15

  • Name: Edward Cullen
  • Aliases: Adonis, Edward Anthony Mason Cullen
  • Age: Physically 17, the age at which he was turned. Actually is rougly 107.
  • Origin: Product of a tamely erotic dream the author had (dream content eventually became chapter thirteen)
  • Literary Work(s): The Twilight Saga (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner)
  • Hair Color: Bronze (Twilight Saga); "the redhead" (The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner)
  • Eye Color: Golden/topaz/butterscotch, darker when hungry, green when human
  • Additional Physical Descriptions: Very pale, marble-like skin, ice-cold and sparkling. Dark circles under his eyes. Perfect, angular features. High cheekbones, full lips, strong jawline, and straight nose. 6'2''. Muscular but slender body
  • Defining Characteristics or Powers: Mindreading abilities which work on everyone except Bella Swan. Usual vampire superhuman speed, strength, endurance, agility, senses, and beauty. Unable to sleep or digest food. Does not need to breathe. Is the fastest in his family. Expert piano player. Collects cars. Has two medical degrees. Claims to be the most learned of the family, after Carlisle. 
  • Nonhuman Companions: Is a vampire himself. Lives with his adopted vampires "parents" and four vampire "siblings". Is briefly affiliated with the werewolves, who he mostly considers to be "dogs".
  • Character Affiliations: Dated Bella from Twilight to New Moon, married her in Breaking Dawn. Is the father of Renesmee Cullen. Adopted son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. Brother of Alice and Jasper Cullen and Rosalie and Emmett Hale. Rival and occasional reluctant ally of Jacob Black. Maintains a shaky friendship with various other vampires and humans, usually if they kiss his butt. Is the object of Tanya and virtually every Forks High School girl's affections.  
  • Notes: Sue-ness is more noticeable and is only just safe enough for it to be recognized and applied as a guilty pleasure. While eventual extermination is recommended, damage control is necessary, owing to the number of idiot fangirls who consider him the "perfect boyfriend".



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