Breaking Dawn - Introduction

Jan 31, 2010 01:15

Projection Voices: Alright, we need someone from the Sporking List to take on this new assignment - Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn.

ZeldaQueen: Is that the one with the weird, sparkly vampires?

Projection Voices: Yes.

ZeldaQueen: And the spineless narrator protagonist?

Projection Voices: The same.

ZeldaQueen: Which was so bad that even a lot of the fans - who overlooked the many failings of the previous three novels - hated it?

Projection Voices: Correct.

ZeldaQueen: I'll take it!

Projection Voices: Playing the Media in 3...2...1...


ZeldaQueen: Alrighty, then. We start off past the table of contents with a dedication of the book to "ninja/agent, Jodi Reamer. Thank you for keeping me off the ledge." Huh. If I ever wrote a fabulously popular and successful book series, I'd dedicate it to my family or friends. Just me though. *Note is handed to ZeldaQueen* Oh wait, a note to myself from the future. Apparently she does thank those people, just in a section at the end. Not sure why she feels the need to address Ms Reamer right there as opposed to putting her in the Acknowledgments section as well. Although the "ninja/agent" description is rather amusing. It makes me imagine this woman breaking into Meyer's home in a black ninja outfit and grab her just as she is about to dive out the window to escape the cruel world of wealth and fame that she worked her way into. That might make for a good fanfiction really. *Is thoughtful*

Projection Voices: Stay focused.

ZeldaQueen: Right, sorry. Anyway, we then get a "thank you" to Meyer's favorite band Muse, who apparently provided her with the series' inspiration. Wait, didn't she also base this series off of the works of Bronte, Austen, and Shakespeare? And an alternate music rock band inspired her? Erm...makes sense I'm sure...somewhere...

And then we get the chapters in Bella's section again. For no reason I can see, since we got them about two pages ago. For heaven's sake Meyer, stop wasting trees!

Onward to: Preface

Back to:  Table of Contents

fic: breaking dawn, suethor: stephenie meyer, book 4, introduction

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