Projection Room Voices: We're moving on to the actual story content now. Are you ready?
ZeldaQueen: Like the plague. Let 'er rip!
ZeldaQueen: Wait, didn't we already get this before, with the ninja/agent bit? See here:
1. a preliminary statement in a book by the book's author or editor, setting forth its purpose and scope, expressing acknowledgment of assistance from others, etc.Source: ZeldaQueen: Apparently Meyer has had trouble with this throughout the series. Oh well.
Anyway, we start out with a quote:
Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age
The child is grown, and puts away childish things.
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
ZeldaQueen: Not too sure what that has to do exactly with the book. Although the vampires don't die and seem to live off in their own world. So is Meyer implying that her characters are childish after all?
We then move on to the story itself. About freaking time. It's narrated in first person, by Miss Bella Swan herself. She starts off right away about how she's had many near-death experiences and never really gets used to them, which is a bit stupid really. I mean, she chose to date a vampire which puts her in the line of fire of a good many vampires, so shouldn't she have started to prepare herself for danger, at least after the first time she was nearly killed? She also says that she seems to be "marked for disaster". Well again, duh, Little Miss "I Have The Survival Instincts Of A Suicidal Chipmunk". Maybe if you were as smart as you're painted as in this series, you could avoid most of the death threats.
Then she moves on to say how it's easy to fight and run from things that you feared and hated, but very difficult to face off against something that you loved. And then talks about giving your life for someone you truly love.
Because that's never been done before.
Onward to:
Chapter 1: Engaged Back to:
Introductions Return to:
Table of Contents