Child Of Grace: Chapter 20 - True Or False (Part 1)

Jul 12, 2010 15:24

Projection Room Voices: Are you...quite prepared for this? You haven't finished your first assignment yet. To take on a second, and one such as this...

ZeldaQueen: Yes, yes, I said I would! *to viewers* Hello folks! As you can all tell, I'm trying my hand at this Child of Grace fanfiction, and seeing how far I can make it before going totally insane. I won't be sporking alone though. I have with me my favorite assistant, who is currently tied to a chair so that he can't run away before I get him interested.

Link: *waking up* Wah? Who drugged my milk?

ZeldaQueen: No one. I clubbed you with a lead pipe just as you started drinking. That's why your head hurts so much, I'd wager. If you'd like, I can give you some aspirin.

Link: You bitch!

ZeldaQueen: Right. No aspirin for you.

Link: Look, just tell me what's going on.

ZeldaQueen: We're currently setting forth on the HMS Epic Fail, to rape, pillage, and plunder a horrific Sue by the name of Holly Potter.

Link: Excellent. May I shank her?

ZeldaQueen: Why Link, I'm surprised at you! You know perfectly well that we confiscated the Master Sword before bringing you in here!

Link: Then may I yell obscenities?

ZeldaQueen: Go nuts. Let's get cracking!

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 20: True Or False

"I still can't believe that you found a secret passage within our own House!" Draco repeated several days later. "A Parseltongue-activated secret passage! Although, I guess it does make sense that Slytherin would have at least one."

ZeldaQueen: Yes, it's not like they're in an ancient castle just crammed to the gills with secret tunnels and passageways and doors! The very idea that there would be one in the Slytherin Common Room!

Blaise laughed. "I still can't believe that you have been conjuring serpents and didn't tell us," he redirected at Holly, who was sitting next to him.

The green-eyed girl fought the urge to shrug. "I'm sorry; I just wanted to explore it a bit," she explained sheepishly.

Link: Question from someone who isn't extremely familiar with Harry Potter canon - is it really difficult to conjure animals or something?

ZeldaQueen: I think Harry and his friends start to learn it by their sixth year.

Link: And what year is the Sue in?

ZeldaQueen: Her second. Are we surprised?

Link: Not at all.

"And that is perfectly fine," Luna added in, patting her hand.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, because canon Harry sucks! Sucks, I tell you! All of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs avoided him like the plague when he turned out to have a special connection to snakes. But of course the Slytherins are oh-so-sympathetic as is Luna, because of some stupid telepathic bond or something! Augh!

Link: Do you have issues?

ZeldaQueen: What do you think???

The others had returned just hours before, break having ended. Immediately, they had been informed of all they had missed: both the Polyjuice Potion, though mentions of Holly's telepathy were left out, and the new passageway the girl had accidentally discovered. Now, the entire group was sitting in the boys' dorm, the only room where they could have any privacy, as each of the study rooms was occupied.

Link: So wait, isn't Luna in a different House? Is she actually allowed in the Slytherin Dormitory?

ZeldaQueen: Only if someone let her in. Because of course the Slytherins are so loving that they're thrilled to let students from other Houses wander around. I also find it hilarious that with all of the rooms in the castle, the boy's dorm is the only place they can be private.

"I wonder if there're anymore," Theo stated suddenly, thinking about it.

Link: I was personally thinking about what the hell that sentence meant. Lousy crap writing.

ZeldaQueen: Why in the nine hells is this such a revelation to them? They're from wizarding families, don't they already know that Hogwarts has secret passages out the wazoo?

"Maybe around here somewhere." His eyes flickered around hopefully before he realised that there was no place for a secret entrance in the crowded room. "Or maybe in the corridor outside; I have always wondered about that painting with the Kneazles."

Link: Um, are they or are they not in a magic world where places can be bigger on the inside than they can on the outside?

Pansy nodded. "I've wondered about the portrait of Siobhan Slytherin. There's just something about her-"

Milli snorted. "Well, I wonder where the passage leads. It hasn't been explored yet." She laid her head against Theo's headboard.

ZeldaQueen: Yes! Thank you! You're a group of twelve-year-old students who just found an exciting secret passage! Why haven't you explored it yet? Why are you just sitting around wondering if there are any more?

"We wanted to wait for you," Draco defended fiercely, running a hand through his hair. "Plus, safety in numbers. "No telling what kind of things could be hidden in there." He leaned back against his pillows next to Luna.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, that certainly sounds like Malfoy. Sticking around for his friends instead of hogging all of the glory, waiting around for safety in numbers and not care if he looks like a wuss...wait.

"True," Milli allowed. "Perhaps it holds Slytherin's legendary monster. It could be the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."

ZeldaQueen: What the hell?

Link: So wait, they're musing about how there could be a legendary monster at the end of this tunnel and they're just sitting there, calm as you please? If it were me, I'd be heading right out with my sword drawn! Anyway, where are we in the second book? Have students been attacked?

ZeldaQueen: I believe so.

Link: So they think that they have a lead on the legendary monster while kids are being attacked. And they aren't going to a teacher with this information, why?

The shortest Slytherin nodded. "For all we know, it could be how the Heir is getting around." Holly added thoughtfully, "It would explain why no one has seen them: they're using a super-secret passageway, one that even Filch and the headmaster don't know about."


Everyone shifted uncomfortably.

Link: I know how they feel. Canon rape always leaves me sore in the -

ZeldaQueen: LINK!

Link: Okay! I'm shutting up!

"That is a distinct possibility," Gavin allowed slowly,

Link: Who is this "slowly" and what was he/she/it allowed?

steepling his fingers. "Do you think we should go to someone about this?"

ZeldaQueen: The laws of common sense dictate that the answer should be "NO FUCKING DUH!"

Link: Twenty rupees says that these idiots think of some reason to keep it secret.

Projection Room Voices: No gambling in the Sporking Chamber!

Link: Well you're no fun anymore.

"No," Blaise, Draco, and Milli all put in together, and the dark-skinned boy jumped… as did everyone else.

Link: Who called it?

Blaise went on alone, "We can't tell anyone about this because then we would have to explain how we found it; they would learn that Holly was a Parselmouth." He exchanged a glance with her, trying to give her an encouraging smile.


"Is there any way we could tell without revealing that?" Autumn asked from her position on Vincent's bed.

Link: Woah Nelly, I don't even want to know which position that is!

Cynthia, who was beside her, shook her head.

Luna gave an uncharacteristic frown. "No, we would have to reveal why no one had found it before and then actually physically show it to them. It would require her to speak Parseltongue." She toyed with her bottle-cap necklace.

ZeldaQueen: And Luna is an accomplice to this. Luna would rather see people get killed than let Holly endure a bit of possible humiliation.

Draco sat up. "Perhaps there's a way to set another password, an English one."

Link: Again, I'm not as savvy at Harry Potter canon as I could be, but isn't this a bit out of character for Malfoy?

ZeldaQueen: Yep. Right off of the top of my head, a quote he gives in the canon book. "I wish I knew who [was opening the Chamber of Secrets]. Then I could help them". He then proceeds to gloat over how a student might die from the attacks and hopes that it's Hermione. No freaking way that Malfoy would lift a finger to stop the attacks.

"Maybe, but we'd have to play around with it to find out," Holly said quietly. "And with the other students milling around, I don't know when we'd have the opportunity to do so."

Link: (Sue) "I suppose we'll just sit around and wait for when it's convenient and just let people continue to be turned to stone in the meantime".

Blaise voiced his agreement, "Yes, we'd have to do it really early in the morning before anyone else was awake." He seemed to be considering it. "Probably a weekend would be best since everyone has a bit of a lie in."

ZeldaQueen: *nastily* Oh, and would you like to just pencil a date into you appointment book? You seem to be booked throughout July, but I think you can squeeze a day in August.

"And we could put some sort of alarm on the dorm rooms, so that we'd know when they were waking up," Luna inserted in her dreamy voice. "I know the perfect one; my father and I use it for the mumbas in our garden."

Link: They needed security alarms for the dances they held in a garden?

ZeldaQueen: I'm sorry, I'm still seething that they're putting more effort into covering up for the Sue than trying to save the school and everyone inside.

"That sounds brilliant," Draco put in with actual enthusiasm.

ZeldaQueen: As opposed to that cheap, generic enthusiasm that you always see for sale at drug stores.

However, he sobered as the group moved on to another topic. His gaze drifted to both Greg and Vincent, who both shifted uncomfortably.

Link: Ah yes, I see those porcupines I shoved up their asses are working splendidly!

Draco shivered as his mind drifted to a particular topic, one which he truthfully wanted to avoid. A strange itch went down his spine, the feeling one usually has when being watched.

ZeldaQueen: Look Draco, it's perfectly normal for a boy heading into his teenage years to start to feel certain urges...

Draco looked up. Both Holly and Luna were looking at him. His eyes widened.

"Is something wrong, Draco?" the dark-haired girl asked gently, and Blaise glanced over.

Link: (Malfoy) "I just realize, I'm out of character!"

The blond fought his instinctive response. "Yes, everything is fi-" He inhaled sharply. "No, actually it's not."

That statement certainly caught the attention of the others, and he gave them a slight smirk.

ZeldaQueen: He just said that everything's not fine, is all freaked out, and then smirks? Charming


He sighed, exchanging another look with Vincent and Greg.

Draco reached into an inner robe pocket and said,

Link: (Malfoy) "That's not a wand in my pocket, I'm happy to see you"

ZeldaQueen: Link!

Link: What? I'm bored!

"I received a letter from my father today. As you know, my mother and he were… away, on the continent during Yule.

ZeldaQueen: "Away, on the continent during Yule"? Is that code for something?

Vincent and Greg's parents were there, too." He hesitated for a moment, toying with the parchment of his letter. "They met with some acquaintances, ones from the old days."

Holly blinked, not liking where this was going. "I take it that he wrote to you about his meeting then?"

ZeldaQueen: Helmets on, Link! Draco-in-leather-pants-ing ahoy!

Link: My arms are still tied down. You put my helmet on.

ZeldaQueen: Too late!

The blond gave her a weak smirk. "More or less. He didn't come out directly, but I caught his meaning." He inclined his head to Vincent and Greg. "Their parents wrote also."

"What did they all say?" Blaise queried, sitting up.

"They all said that bad things were happening at Hogwarts, as if we don't already know." Draco gave a mirthless laugh. "My letter is a warning," he spoke frankly now. "My father doesn't know the specifics - and he was afraid to ask the other, more loyal members of his group - but he does know that something has been planted at Hogwarts. Something bad, really bad." He exhaled. "I think that it has something to do with the Chamber."


ZeldaQueen: I owe you one.

Link: So the author just took Malfoy's letter, in which I seem to recall his father deliberately withheld information and just told his son to keep his head down and let people die, and twisted it to make them all look sympathetic.

ZeldaQueen: Yep.

Link: Kill me. Like, right now.

ZeldaQueen: Sorry, we've got thirty-three more chapters to go


The others were stunned.

"Why are you telling us this?" Milli finally asked the question that everyone had been wanting to voice.

His eyebrows twitched. "Other than the fact that you're my friends?" he questioned rhetorically. "Well, I think that he wanted me to spread the warning. No," Draco corrected, "I know that he wanted me to tell you."

ZeldaQueen: Well that's vaguely in-character. Only let his friends in and not actually warn the Headmaster or people in other houses.

"Why?" Holly asked, and everyone looked at her. "Er… why did he want us to know?"

Link: Because the author twisted him out of character, kid. Them's the breaks

"I don't know." Draco stared at her before throwing his hands up in the air. "Maybe he regrets what he did with his old gang, even if he didn't really have a choice in it. Maybe he doesn't want anything like it to happen again. I just don't know."

ZeldaQueen: BULL, I SAY!!!

Link: Okay, wait, didn't the end of this book imply that Lucius was the one to give Ginny the diary to begin with, thus telling us that he did in fact want it all to happen again?

ZeldaQueen: Good point. Wonder how the author's going to wiggle out of that one...

He hung his head, and Luna began to pat him on the back. Holly moved from Blaise's bed to sit next to the grey-eyed boy. Unexpectedly, she laid her head on his shoulder.


Link: Pardon?

ZeldaQueen: The author opted to go the "abused child" angle with Miss Holy Sue and now we constantly get reminders of how unexpected it is when she voluntarily allows physical contact! Not to mention how disgusting it is that everyone including Luna freaking Lovegood is fawning over the guy, like he's some poor woobie!

"We know that it's all connected," she whispered to him. "All of this: your warning, the attacks, the Heir, the Chamber - we know it's all connected. We just need to figure out how; we need to find the links between everything." She exhaled slowly. "Your father's associates are definitely involved, and their master probably is as well. We all know that he's still around, lurking in the background."


"What should we do then?" Pansy asked weakly. "We can't go to anyone about this, not even Professor Snape or the headmaster."

Link: ...Why?

"That's right," Draco cut in dejectedly. "I'm not entirely sure, but there are rumours of Severus' involvement with… well, you know.

ZeldaQueen: I call shenanigans. Didn't they say before that the only people who served Voldemort were brainwashed or threatened?

We can't risk going to him." He shook his head sadly. "And we can't go to Dumbledore; his hands are mostly tied by the Wizengamot and the Board. He wouldn't be able to give us much help. Besides, if anyone learned of what was really going on, we'd be in even more danger then."

Link: So Dumbledore's hands are tied in such a way that he wouldn't be allowed to act on valuable information about a monster running around the school, attacking the students. Because surely the Board would use their vast power to keep the Headmaster from protecting his charges. And it's not like there's anything like confidentiality, where Dumbledore would not tell anyone who came to him with this knowledge, nope! GOD THIS SUCKS ASS!

He didn't need to say why they would be in greater danger. The Death Eaters would not take kindly to their meddling.

ZeldaQueen: Again, didn't they already say that Voldemort only got supporters through brainwashing and threats? For God's sake Suethor, REMEMBER YOUR OWN FANON!!!

Plus, the Ministry would interfere by virtue of its backward bureaucracy; after all, it was the same government that had allowed Voldemort to rise to power and reign evil upon them in the first place.

ZeldaQueen: Oh my God, these people are the biggest dumbasses ever!

Link: Yes, that's right! The Ministry would interfere in solving a case that already has caused several students to turn into statues! Never mind the fact that they surely have frightened and concerned parents breathing down their necks to solve the issue!

ZeldaQueen: And notice how the Suethor is blaming Voldy's rise to power on someone else. Oh, it wasn't because he was a cunning and powerful bastard, no. It was just because the Ministry was corrupt and allowed it to happen!

For all they knew, the Ministry might even try to blame them for the attacks like their fellow students currently did, and there was no telling what they would do if and when they learned Holly was a Parselmouth, much less a telepath.

Link: And why would they care???

ZeldaQueen: Seriously, what evidence would the Ministry have to pin something like that on them? There's a difference between a group of students ranging from ages eleven to eighteen gossiping and Ministry officials actually blaming a serious crime on a group of students who just offered information.

Link: Eh, we all know that this is just the Suethor's attempt to draw out suspense. She has to have her precious characters look good and solve the mystery early, but can't wrap things up too soon. Thus, she needs an excuse.

"So what should we do?" Milli repeated the earlier query. She fidgeted slightly and toyed with the cover of Theo's bed. "I mean, we need to clear Holly's name in all this mess. We can't let her take the blame for it."


Holly felt buoyed by that and even more so by everyone else's ready agreement to it. She smiled brightly as Draco wrapped an arm around her.

"Thank you," she murmured, and she didn't have to say for what.

Link: And of course she doesn't spare two thoughts for the innocents in danger either. Go figure.

ZeldaQueen: You know, Suethor, it's possible to have your Sue groupies worried about their friend while simultaneously giving a flying fuck about the rest of the school. Look at canon Harry. Was his, Ron, and Hermione's primary concern clearing his name? No, it was finding out why there was a disembodied voice turning folks to stone!

Link: Yeah, but canon Harry sucks. Didn't you know that?

"You're welcome," Milli answered with a firm nod. She hesitated for a moment before prompting again, "So what do we do?"

The smallest Slytherin considered the question. "First, we need to keep this to ourselves. We can't tell anyone, and I mean anyone. Not our parents, siblings, other friends. No one."

ZeldaQueen: WHY? WHY? WHY???

Link: So much for Draco's dad wanting him to spread the alarm.

'Except Tom', she silently corrected, and Holly rubbed her temples, trying to dispel her growing headache. Her eyelids fluttered closed.

ZeldaQueen: So they can't go to their trusted friends or family members or the fucking Headmaster for help, but they can confide in a disembodied spirit in a strange book. *cough*

Gavin added, "We'd only make ourselves even bigger targets then. Plus, the blame could be pushed onto us." The dark-skinned boy was obviously not pleased by the last point.

Link: Because of course being blamed for something and being inconvenienced is even worse than being petrified!

"We should probably explore the passage Holly found, so we can rule it out as the way the Heir is travelling around," Blaise stated after a second.

ZeldaQueen: I hope the Basilisk eats you.

Link: You know it won't.


His best friend quickly agreed, "We definitely should. Plus, we have a lead - sort of. Ron mentioned that this had occurred years before and that he learned it from one of the older Slytherins." Holly blinked wearily.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, it happened before. It was big news. Even if they weren't involved with Death Eaters at any point, they ought to know about it! A student DIED! That would be like if a cult in Pittsburgh murdered someone and people in Pittsburgh knew about it even if they weren't members of the cult!

"Well," Draco finally murmured, moving his head on top of hers. "It was probably from one of the children of my father's… of the Death Eaters," he corrected.

Link: (Suethor) "SEE, MALFOY ISN'T EVIL! SEE, LOOK, LOOK!!!"

"They'd be the only ones who would make the connection, especially if their parents warned them, too."

ZeldaQueen: No, no they wouldn't. Both times, it was known that the attacks were being done by Slytherins' monster from the Chamber of Secrets. I mean, it was made public. Anyone with access to the Library ought to be able to make the connection

He glanced at Theo, who also had a connection to the Dark Lord's followers, albeit a more tenuous one. "I think that we can exclude people who have relatives in the group other than their parents."

Link: What? How does that make sense?

ZeldaQueen: Indeed. Doesn't it occur to them that kids could get warnings from aunts or uncles or something? Bah, this is just a way to cover the asses of the Sue's groupies

Blaise cut in quickly, "That limits our list some, but how many Slytherins fit that profile?"

"Too many." Draco ran a hand over his face, lifting his head. He thought about it for a moment before adding, "Including everyone older than us: Dolohov, the other Dolohov, McNair, the three Becketts, Flint - even though he's gone - and his sister, Bole, Ise, Arleri, Dumas…" He ticked off the rest of the names.


ZeldaQueen: You're right, they just spent this entire chapter talking. I'm pretty sure canon Harry accomplished far more in one paragraph than they have thus far

Milli breathed out loudly. "That's a lot of people."

Link: No, you think?

Theo and Gavin both nodded.

Pansy sighed. "Well, I know that my parents never mentioned anything to me. They probably don't know. I'd say that only inner circle members would, especially since it is such a big secret, so only they could tell their children."

ZeldaQueen: No! No wouldn't! The location of the Chamber was a secret, but the actual attacks and what was doing them was not! It was a well-known legend that Slytherin left behind a monster to kill Muggleborns! If the person behind the attacks didn't want anyone to know about what was causing the attacks, they wouldn't have had Ginny paint "The Chamber has been opened, enemies of the Heir beware!" on the wall!

"That would further limit our list," Luna added, blinking up at Draco's canopy. "How many are left after that."

Link: Missing question mark, ahoy!

"Dumas, the Dolohovs, and McNair," Draco concluded. "Those are the only ones I can ever remember being associated with the inner circle."

ZeldaQueen: And you father, *cough*

Vincent and Greg both nodded in agreement.

"So what are we going to do?" Autumn asked. "Follow them around? See if they reveal anything else and confront them?"

Link: Tell someone?

"It's the best that we can do for now," Blaise stated diplomatically. However, he was secretly thinking about a more effective method of finding out.

ZeldaQueen: The Sue's non-canon powers. Hooray

"Yes," Draco added, thinking the very same thing.

From beside him, Holly was alternating between the urge to sigh and to smile. It looked like her telepathy was about to get a great deal of practice.

ZeldaQueen: So that they could waste time instead of making sure the teachers knew what was going on!

Holly spent over a month refining her telepathic skills on her willing volunteers, Draco and Blaise, though there were some parts of their minds she didn't enter by mutual agreement. They did deserve some privacy, after all. Plus, the way that both had shifted uncomfortably and flushed when the matter came up was reason enough for her to readily agree.

Link: Oh, isn't she just the paragon of kindness?

Initially, Holly had considered immediately proceeding to ghosting the thoughts of the three people they had limited their search to and through a few others just in case. However, extracting such information from them sounded easy in principal, but it was far harder in practice.


For one, Holly had only ever really read surface thoughts before, the little insignificant, and the not-so-insignificant, thoughts that sped through people's minds at light speed. She had only ever done deep scans on the Dursleys and on Ron the one time.

Link: So the only people she ever violated the minds of were her guardians and alleged friend. Very telling

The inner recesses of the mind were very different from the surface; they had their own flow and rhythm, and each person's was organised in a new way. Holly simply didn't have the experience yet to search quickly and efficiently. As such, she would need a great deal of practice, lest she desire to continuously to wade through their minds, not really knowing where to look or even if she was close to the information.

ZeldaQueen: And yet again, more excuses to stretch this out! You know, Suethor, when canon Harry had to stall, he didn't actually have evidence or information!

So she had decided to practice first, going by the schedule they had worked out, an hour for every day they didn't have their extra Defence group, which had the added advantage of willing participants that could help her learn the inner recesses of their minds. Yet, even here Holly ran into snags. The prolonged use of her gift led to horrible and debilitating migraines.

Link: The Sue gets horrific headaches from this? Well, at least some good is coming out of this all

Thankfully, they eased as she become more skilled,

Link: Fuck this shit

but they were still limiting.

ZeldaQueen: And heaven forbid anything limit the Sue

Further, despite her increasing skill, she could still not get a clear telepathic read on Tom. She suspected it simply had to do with the fact that he didn't technically have a mind.

ZeldaQueen: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHA! Oh God, Suethor, you just admitted that your characters are mindless! Ha ha!

And, despite all her practice, Holly was no master at telepathy yet. It would take far more training for that, but she did at least feel somewhat competent with her ability. It was enough for her to get a better general reading on people, even when she wasn't trying. Further, her range for tracking others had extended quite a bit. Perhaps over time she would even begin to feel that she truly controlled her gift and not the other way around.

Link: Oh look at that! The Sue's scared that her gift is controlling her! How special!

Meanwhile, her friends continued their search for their elusive Housemate, but they were having very little luck. For one, unlike Ron and the Gryffindors, they couldn't risk alienating the other Serpents,

ZeldaQueen: Stop calling them "Serpents"! They're Slytherins, dammit!

Link: I love how she thinks that the Slytherins are just too damned precious to alienate, but could give a fuck about the Gryffindors

ZeldaQueen: This is even more hilarious when you consider that the author previously mentioned that Holly would have friends in all of the houses

so they had to proceed lightly in their investigations. For another, the very fact that the incidents at Hogwarts were tied to the Death Eaters, and possibly Voldemort, left them somewhat nervous. They were treading into very dangerous territory. Draco could attest to the horrors associated with the Death Eaters, horrors no one wanted to bring down upon themselves.


Link: Seriously, these kids aren't all woobies, okay? They're clearly a bunch of jerks whose parents were unrepentant Death Eaters. Although why they're afraid of Voldemort is beyond me. Isn't he dead by now?

ZeldaQueen: Canon rape

Link: Right...

Further, they hadn't yet had the opportunity to explore the secret passageway Holly had discovered. They kept trying to do so, but the timing was never right.

Link: Oh, that's convenient. A great, big mysterious passage which may or may not lead to Slytherin's monster and it's just always a bad time

Every time they attempted the feat something would happen to interfere. First, Titania Shacklebolt had had insomnia and had paced the connecting corridor. Then, one of the fourth-years had been ill and up the entire night. Next, the seventh-years had stayed up working on a project. Finally, the sixth-years had had a sleepover with Ravenclaw.

ZeldaQueen: And it never occurred to them to use a distraction to empty the area? Dungbombs? An explosion? A sleeping potion? Anything?

Holly and her friends had been thwarted every time, wary of the risks of being caught. It also didn't help that only the girls could explore it as the boys could not entered the female wing of the House without a loud alarm blaring.

ZeldaQueen: Well, that at least is vaguely canon. Although why all of this stuff is mysteriously happening just to the girls is beyond me

It was also during the month that Holly continued her correspondence with Remus and began writing to the Zabinis. It was somewhat awkward at first, especially since Holly was not really certain what to say to them. She didn't really know them outside of what she had learned during her time with them, but then, the point of writing them was to get to know the family.

ZeldaQueen: Yes Suethor, we get it! Holly was an abused, sad panda and never had a family and it is just soooo weird that she finally has people who care!

Ron and Neville continued their suspicions of Holly after Yule, though the latter's seemed to have cooled considerably, guilt eating at him. The redhead, with a reluctant Neville in tow, was increasingly seen snooping around the Slytherins, probably trying to make up for the fact that Hermione couldn't currently help them.

Link: Yes, just insult the guy as much as possible! At least he's actively trying to figure out what's going on!

ZeldaQueen: And why do you think he's suspicious of you, sunshine? All you've done is be miserable, condescending, and rude to him at every turn. It's hardly like you've come across as just too friendly or sweet to be evil

Like before, Holly avoided them as best she could. She had been furious during and after the Polyjuice incident, and though she had tried to control her rage as best she could, it occasionally simmered beneath the surface. Mostly, however, she now felt tired and hollow inside like she had been used to the breaking point and then some. It was one thing to be suspicious of a friend, but it was quite another to actually believe they were guilty and do your damnedest to prove it. Holly was not taking such betrayal very well, not that anyone could really blame her.

ZeldaQueen: Oh, don't we just feel sorry for her? I don't! First of all, they have potential evidence! You know, the stuff Ron is looking for? All they'd have to do is let him in on the secret and then they'd clear Holly of his suspicions whilst getting one or two more people to help their cause. But no, they're all going to sulk and glare and point and laugh and otherwise act like a bunch of jerks, which will certainly not help make them look any more innocent.

Second of all, Holly has no right at all to be indignant over the Polyjuice, when she is currently planning on working on her telepathy to go poking around in someone's head for information. She's doing just what Ron is and his only crime is not knowing she's innocent, which is her own fault!

There were a number of other things occurring during that time as well, several of them rather odd in nature.

Link: A dark-haired boy with a lightning bolt-shaped scar began showing up, screaming something about canon

For one, Snape, the normally nasty professor that he was, started behaving rather oddly;

ZeldaQueen: He began wearing a hat with a stuffed vulture and a red handbag

he was actually being rather nice to Holly now.

ZeldaQueen: Oh, fuck me!

Well, as nice as the Potions master seemed to be capable of being to a Potter, which is to mean that he no longer sneered or shouted at her. He didn't like her or ignore her either. The man was simply neutral to her, giving neither censure nor praise and simply showing a blank face.

Link: Erm, high abandonment of sense! Why? What?

Even considering his fierce defence of her over the attacks, it was a bit out of character.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, yes it is!

He had simply ignored her before, pretending she wasn't even there. Now, he actually acknowledged her presence, as neutral as the acknowledgement was. In truth, it was a bit awkward, especially for Holly, as she had no idea how to react to this. Still, it was better than nothing.

ZeldaQueen: Dude, the Sue has no right after this to complain that things aren't going her way. None at all!

The other second-years were understandably stumped by this odd change in behaviour and had of course questioned Holly. Her explanation was simple. She had called a truce.

Link: Why would they care? Don't they think she's a horrible, soul-sucking witch?

ZeldaQueen: She is

Link: Yeah, but the Suethor usually keeps people from noticing in the fanon

Just before the holiday, she had sent her Head of House a letter and a package. The letter thanked him for defending her against the other students and for protecting her from Quirrell the year before. The package was a peace offering, one which Draco, a fantastic Potions student, had helped her pick out.

Link: Lingerie?

ZeldaQueen: I'm going to cheer myself up and imagine that it went straight into the fire

Holly noted another bizarre circumstance during January also. Everywhere she went, from the girl's loo to the Common Room, she could continuously feel eyes on her. And no matter how she stretched out her mental senses and searched with her telepathy, the girl could never find anyone. The only clues she had to her stalker were the flash of red-gold out of the corner of her eye and a strange music that always followed.

Link: Oh noes! Whatever could it be?

ZeldaQueen: "Strange music" eh? Was it like this?

image Click to view

Fortunately, on the last day of the month, the second-years finally caught a break: Milli overheard Dimitri Dolohov, brother of Alé's friend Sophia, warning one of his close friends about the attacks. The third-year did not mention how he knew, but he commented that something similar had taken place years earlier. Now, they were able to narrow down their search and focus completely on him, though they did watch his sister some also. Soon, Holly would attempt to ghost through his thoughts for information.

ZeldaQueen: I give up. Apparently these idiots have never heard of the Library

January faded into February, and Hermione was liberated from the Hospital Wing, fur free. It was an event only notable for the fact that the bushy-haired girl was once more searching for evidence against Holly.

Link: Oh, is that all? Your sympathy for Hermione is overwhelming

The first week of February was witness to Moaning Myrtle's worst tantrum to date, one that completely flooded the corridor. McGonagall, who had been called in by Filch to calm the distraught ghost, had been overheard telling Professor Vector that students were now throwing things at the spectre. The deputy headmistress really couldn't blame the girl for being upset. She was seriously debating forbidding pupils to go there all together unless they were clearly in need of a toilet, especially since several boys had been seen loitering.

ZeldaQueen: Since when did the teachers ever pay Myrtle any mind? Filch complained about her and that seemed to be it! Anyway, given how much of a tantrum she was throwing, I'd find it more likely that McGonagall would tell her off for pitching such a fit over being a ghost

Other than that, everything seemed to going rather well considering. Professor Sprouts' Mandrakes were maturing nicely, and the Petrification victims would soon be freed.

ZeldaQueen: But who cares about them?

There had been no new attacks since Nearly Headless Nick and Justin Finch-Fletchley. The whispers about Holly were beginning to quieten down, though people were still curious about the shield she had conjured during the Duelling Club. However, a gloom had still managed to settle on the residents of the castle.

Link: B - o - o - h - o - o

Enter Gilderoy Lockhart.

Valentine's Day dawned cloudy, and it was a bleary-eyed Holly who wandered into the Great Hall, only to freeze a few steps in as she really started to look at her surroundings.

Pink and red flowers covered the walls and tables. Heart-shaped confetti rained down from the ceiling, and Holly had to charm her hair to keep it off.

Link: Isn't the Sue great? *gags*

At the teacher's table, she noticed that Lockhart was already up and beaming, an unusual thing that early in the morning. The dandy was wearing robes of such a shocking pink that Holly was forced to look away to save her eyesight.

ZeldaQueen: Why does she keep calling him "the dandy"? It makes her sound horribly pretentious and I seriously doubt a twelve-year-old would use a word like that

She sat down to breakfast, flicking confetti off of her toast and welcoming her very stunned Housemates as they began to filter in. Milli and Theo seemed particularly sickened by the decor. Titania Shacklebolt actually seemed to find it funny, but that might have had something to do with the fact that she had just hexed Oliver Wood's face red and into the shape of a heart.

Link: Oh, that's nice!

ZeldaQueen: Yes Sue, just casually mention how your housemate is only amused because she needlessly hexed another student! There's a difference between the canon magical accidents and tricks and hexing or cursing people for absolutely no reason!

Eventually, everyone was gathered, and Lockhart called for silence. What they soon learned only revolted them more.

"Happy Valentine's Day! And may I thank the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all, and it doesn't end here!" Lockhart announced with a great grin.

Milli rolled her eyes as twelve gruff dwarves entered the Hall. "I hope no one from our House sent him one."

Link: Such sweet kids. If the author wasn't determined to make them seem likable, I'd think they actually were in character

Autumn pointedly avoided the chubby girl's eye.

ZeldaQueen: Hooray for canon-robbing

Lockhart carried on, "My friendly, card-carrying cupids!

Link: Well that's an odd subject jump

ZeldaQueen: That's because we weren't told about the cupids coming in! In the book, we get a description of them showing up! Here, it just looks like Lockhart has some ADD thing going on and randomly starts spouting nonsense about cupids!

They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines! And the fun doesn't stop here! I'm sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion!"

The Potions master looked positively murderous at the suggestion, and the ponce didn't even notice.

ZeldaQueen: Again, what twelve-year-old uses a word like "ponce"? I'm nineteen and I don't use words like that!

Link: My own two bits, but "looked positively murderous" is just a cheap knock-off of "would be force-fed poison", isn't it?

ZeldaQueen: And no mention of Flitwick either, poor fellow

"And while you're at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I've ever met, the sly old dog!"

The Charms professor started before burying his face in his hands. It was impossible tell if he was laughing or crying.

Link: You were saying?

ZeldaQueen: My bad, she just hacked it up more. Way to kill the humor in the joke thar, Captain Obvious

And from there, the day only seemed to become worse. Holly's Slytherin friends personally and discreetly handed out their own valentines. However, not all of her acquaintances did.


Link: Was Valentine-giving really so popular at Hogwarts? I honestly can't believe that these buckets of angst and conceit would lower themselves to it, at any rate

"Oy, you! 'Olly Potter!" one of the dwarves shouted as she passed by the Charms Corridor. He pushed passed the various people in the crowded hallway, kicking Neville in the shins and stepping on Ron's foot.


Link: I believe what my insane friend is trying to say, is well done Suethor, for making your Weasley-hatred blatant while continuing to make your little Sue that much less likable. Just had to name names, didn't you? Fantastic

Holly briefly contemplated dodging out of the way, something she was very good at, but knew that it was ultimately pointless.

ZeldaQueen: Oh yes, unlike Harry who tried to escape but couldn't! DOESN'T HE SUCK? ISN'T THIS SUE SO MUCH BETTER???

Trust Blaise and Draco to be late when she needed them the most. She sent Theo and Milli a pleading look.

Link: Yes, how dare they? I don't feel sorry for the little toad at all

"I've got a musical message to deliver to 'Olly Potter in person." The dwarf pulled out his harp.

Her gaze turned desperate. Milli whipped out her wand, but the corridor was filled with people, including the first-year Gryffindors. There were too many people in the way.


Link: Oh that's just grand! The thing's only doing it's job and they were going to attack it just so the Sue didn't suffer a little humiliation like most everyone else had. Wouldn't that get them into a lot of trouble? The cherubs were technically hired by a teacher, after all

Ginny Weasley watched with breathless anticipation, her eyes darting to her brother and his friend and back to Holly. Neville bent down to rub his aching shin, and a yellow pendant falling free from his pocket where he had been keeping it.


The dwarf pulled up along side Holly, and she wished she knew a Silencing spell that worked on living things.

ZeldaQueen: What, doesn't the precious Sue already know that? She could figure out the levitating spell without any guidance at all

"Her eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
Her hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish she saw me, mates we're meant to be,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord."

Link: Ah, well that was lame

ZeldaQueen: I hate how these Harry Potter rewrites don't have the imagination to just leave out the poem, but can't stand to humiliate their Sues seriously, so they try to tweak 'em to be indirectly flattering

Of course, it was at that moment that Draco and Blaise finally showed up. The caramel-skinned boy instantly went to Holly, breaking up the gathered crowd. The blond, however, went immediately to Ginny's side, hissing something at her.

ZeldaQueen: Oh, well that's just beautiful! The Sue never has to deal with any sort of humiliation, nope! Her groupies just show right up on cue and shoo away anyone who might laugh at her!

Link: And what the holy monkey balls? Why does Draco feel it's necessary to pick on Ginny? She's an eleven-year-old girl who just basically sent Holly a note saying "I think you're completely awesome, please be my friend"! It's not like she wanted Holly to be humiliated! Goddesses above, these characters are horrible!

ZeldaQueen: I'm just wondering what kind of a person sends a valentine to tell someone they want to be friends

The girl's eyes went first to her brother and then to Neville, widening when she saw the pendant he was in the process of placing in his pocket. She darted down the hallway, covering her face with her hands. Ron snarled and went for his wand, but Neville pulled him back and down opposite side of the hall. Draco finally came up to Holly, and the Slytherins quickly hurried to class.

ZeldaQueen: Well, that was at least in-character for Ron. I don't feel sorry for the Sue at all and just regret that Ron didn't curse her eyes out

Just as Holly sat down something occurred to her. "What did you say to Ginny?"

Link: So Holly sees Draco whisper something to Ginny that makes her run away in tears and Ron attack and it doesn't occur to her until later to ask what it was? Wow

Draco smirked darkly. "I told her that you didn't appreciate the valentine she sent… or the one her brother sent, whichever it was."

"I didn't." She shuddered.

ZeldaQueen: You bitch! You horrible, horrible bitch! Malfoy clearly hit an eleven-year-old where it hurts, "smirked darkly", insulted both Ginny and Ron for no reason at all, and all Holly does is shudder and agree with him? The letter wasn't even that bad! In canon, Ginny actually put in sentiments that she wanted to be Harry's girlfriend! In this, she just said she wanted to be Holly's friend! And hey, in canon, Harry still just laughs it off! He actually has reason to be embarrassed and he doesn't go after Ginny and hurt her! He knows she's a lonely little girl and tries to spare her feelings! BITCH!

Link: Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

ZeldaQueen: Shut up!

"Maybe Ginny sent it for Ron," Blaise supplied helpfully, earning himself a glare. He beamed cheekily and carried on, "'Mates we're meant to be'? Talk about a double entendre."

Link: Yes, let's just joke about the broken-hearted hero-worship of a little girl. I feel sorry for Ginny. Holly's clearly treating her like an abusive owner treats a puppy

Draco snorted. Theo and Milli laughed. Holly simply scowled.

Link: I rolled my eyes

ZeldaQueen: I screamed bloody murder

ZeldaQueen: And now, we take a short break before finishing this chapter

Link: Can I at least be untied?

ZeldaQueen: Finish the entire chapter first

Link: Slavedriver

ZeldaQueen: I heard that!

Onward to: Chapter 20: True Or False (Part 2)

Back to: Chapter 19 (Part 2)

Return to: Table of Contents

part 20, suethor: lady azar de tameran, chapter 1, fic: child of grace, truth or dare, guest sporker: link

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