Update From The Realm: City Of Ashes: Group Recapping

Jan 24, 2012 00:43

Everyone following the City of Bones sporking over at das_sporking might have noticed that we are almost entirely done with that puppy! So, that means it's that time again - time for us to divvy up the sporkings for the sequel, City of Ashes.

Before we begin, I'm going to post a few rules here. You guys know the drill, be sure to read this all and follow the rules.

1.) You have to read the entire story, or at the very least know what happens in the book

Yes, I know this was not a requirement for the last sporking. This time though? You've got to do it. If you can't get through the entire story, read the summary on Wikipedia. Or ask someone who has read through it. Or find an online summary. Point is, know enough that you don't fill your sporkings with "I don't know what that is" or "Where did that come from?" when things have been explained or introduced already. (Saying you don't understand something because it genuinely is confusing is, of course, a different matter and is acceptable)

Also, if you are just going off of a summary, and you still find something in your chapter that confuses you, there is the very thorough Shadowhunter's Wiki. Or, if that still doesn't answer your questions, feel free to ask me or anyone else you know who has read the books.

Long story short? Know the plot.

2.) There is no word or length limit to the sporkings

This was something that caused a lot of confusion for the last sporking. Basically, it's what it says up there. Don't worry about the Livejournal word count limit. Don't worry that your sporking is too long. Don't worry if it has to be split up into multiple parts. Trust me when I say that everyone would rather an in-depth sporking than one that glosses over everything.

If you know your sporking will need to be broken up, incidentally, feel free to mark in the sporking where you'd like the breaks to be. If you don't, or if you didn't know it would be multiple parts, I'll choose a natural breaking point myself, so it's no issue. If there's a preference though, just be sure to let me know.

3.) New sporkers, lurkers, and anonymous folks are all welcome to sign up

This is a group project, and everyone is welcome! Don't worry if this is your first sporking or if you don't have an account. If you want to take a chapter, have at it!

If this is your first time sporking and you are nervous or concerned about making some sort of faux pas, feel free to ask about anything. This is all for fun, and no one should take this on while worried that they'll screw up and be shot for it or something.

For any anonymous people who want to take a chapter, I will need (A) a name of some sort to credit your sporking to and (B) some means of contacting you. The name certainly does not have to be your real life name. You can give me any name you like (any appropriate name, obviously). The means of contacting you can be whatever is most convenient. It just has to be something that I can actually reach you at. Don't give me the ten-year-old e-mail address that you never check for mail anymore, because chances are I will need to get in touch with you for some reason or another, and if I can't get in touch with you and you don't get in touch with me, I might incorrectly assume you've dropped the sporking.

4.) Do not spork the chapter word for word

This is a published work. Sporking the entire thing line by line is a no-no. You are more than welcome to quote, but the bulk of the sporking ought to be in a recap-style, similar to what I do for my book sporkings, or what Mervin is doing for her Twilight porkings.

Other than that though? The sporking style is up to you. If you want to bring in your favorite fictional character to spork with you, if you want to do some of it in script-style, if you want to use GIFs, go for it!

5.) New sporkers get first pick

Exactly what it says on the tin. So that everyone gets a chance at this, I'm designating specific sign-up times. It goes like this:

January 24th to February 7th - Only sporkers who have not participated at all in the last group sporking can sign up

February 8th - March 1st - Sporkers who only sporked one chapter in the last group sporking can sign up

March 2nd and onward - If any chapters are left unclaimed, any sporker is welcome to ask for them

Keep in mind that once the starting period applicable to you passes, you are still allowed to claim a sporking. For example, if it is February 10th and you are a first-time sporker who wants to claim a chapter, you're more than welcome to. Hopefully though, this will make it a little easier for everyone to get a piece of the action.

6.) This sporking will be posted when...

While there is not yet a set date for when this will get started, do not expect it to begin until the group sporking of Dark Side of the Moon is finished, or at least almost finished. das_mervin was very considerate and held off starting her own group sporking until we were nearly finished with ours, so we're showing the same courtesy.

(And for first-time sporkers who might not know, yes this will be hosted over at das_sporking, and not at the Realm)

Everyone can take advantage of this to balance their lives and dealing with this incredibly boring book. Again, I do not have a specific deadline for when I'd like the sporkings sent in to me by, but I would very much appreciate them in a timely manner. This leads to the next rule...

7.) If something comes up, please inform me of it

It's fine if you want to trade chapters with someone. It's fine if real life is kicking your butt and you need to bow out of the sporking. It's fine if things are just taking a little longer than expected. All I ask is that you tell me of these things. If you swap chapters or have to give up the sporking or told me a deadline that it turns out is too soon for you, tell me so that I know what's going on. In spite of what you may think of me, I don't like pestering any of you and I don't want to needlessly poke someone about a sporking that is no longer their responsibility or something. Much obliged!

8.) No more than two recaps per person

Simple enough. Enough people signed up for the last sporking that two chapters were generally the maximum. If there are any left over that no one will claim, then we'll see if anyone wants three. Until that comes up though, stick to two.

9.) To contact me:

My e-mail address is zeldaqueen64@gmail.com. To send me your sporking, or if you have any questions, you can reach me that way.

Other than that, I read all comments and PMs, so you can contact me that way if you have any questions.

(On the subject of sending me the sporkings, if you send them in attached documents, .wps and .doc ones are best, if at all possible. If you send documents in a form that requires a specific program to access it, please let me know)

10.) Have fun

'Nuff said!

*glances up* Wow, I really like my lists, don't I?

So! Let's get to the good stuff! Here are all of the chapters within City of Ashes:

Prologue: Smoke and Diamonds - platinumgal (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 1: Valentine's Arrow - madforbeyond

Chapter 2: The Hunter's Moon - hoppytoad79 (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 3: The Inquisitor - apep727 (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 4: The Cuckoo in the Nest - turtlecrackers (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 5: Sins of the Fathers - radiantstardust (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 6: City of Ashes - tsukasabuddha (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 7: The Mortal Sword - Calyn

Chapter 8: The Seelie Court - meanwhile_el (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 9: And Death Shall Have No Dominion - parrinoyed (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 10: A Fine and Private Place - zelda_queen (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 11: Smoke and Steel - mogseltof (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 12: The Hostility of Dreams -
tsukasabuddha (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapte 13: A Host of Rebel Angels - tsukasabuddha (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 14: Fearless - sos_sporkers (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 15: The Serpent's Tooth - aikaterini (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 16: A Stone of the Heart - sos_sporkers (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter 17: East of Eden - 2TwobyTwo2

Chapter 18: Darkness Visible - stormswift (SPORKING RECEIVED)

Chapter: 19 Dies Irae - Sage

And, that should be it! Again, please let me know if there are any questions, and other than that, have fun sporking!

fic: city of ashes, .the realm of literacy, .group recapping, sporking updates, .secretary announcements, .announcements from the realm

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