My NaNo progress!

Nov 02, 2010 02:02

2474 / 50000 (4.95%)Bam. I can go to bed happy tonight, even if I stop writing right now and get back on track tomorrow ( Read more... )

weirdweirdweird, nano, wooooooo, celebration, writing babble, turning fishes into wishes, this helps me cope with the drama around, bzuh?

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Comments 21

vyrantium November 2 2010, 06:32:53 UTC
A Luci/Gabe NaNo? O_O! That's EPIC!! I had no idea you were a fan of the pairing... hang on, lemme shamelessly promote my community:

Yeah. I LOVE them. So much in fact that my novel (that I'll probably never get around to writing because I multitask poorly) is about them... only my original interpretations of them. So much love for Luci and Gabe!

Are you going to be posting your NaNo thingy when it's done? If you do, I'd love to read it... and of course feel free to post it (and any of your Luci/Gabe stuff) on the community if you want :)


zekkass November 2 2010, 06:36:46 UTC
It's not going to be entirely Lucifer/Gabriel, but as I still have 48k to go, it could be! Either way it's Lucifer-centric, and there will be more Lucifer/Gabriel moments as I go through it, so we will see about a crosspost.

*joins and watches* ;)

I'm happy with just about any Lucifer/angel pairings, and since I adore Gabriel, that's one of my favorites up there. :) (I've written the pairing before, and it's good fun to write.)

Wish me luck in actually finishing this year!


vyrantium November 2 2010, 06:44:15 UTC
Good luck! *waves pom poms* I always wished I could do NaNo, but I'm so unfocused when it comes to writing that it'd never happen with the amount of time you get :P

Either way, if you DO decide to cross-post it any amount of Lucifer/Gabriel in the fic qualifies it for posting... actually, as long as the two characters are in something at all, it qualifies :) I'm excited that someone else actually writes them! People are coming out of the woodwork lately it seems, and it's awesome :)

I love Lucifer with most characters really... I can't put him with Michael though just because I'm too protective of Luci and I hate what Michael did to him :P I can't really put him with Raph either because I don't dig Raph at all. But Lucifer with Gabriel, Castiel, Balthazar, Sam, Dean... yeah, all awesome in my book <3


zekkass November 2 2010, 06:49:13 UTC
May I suggest using a custom word-count? I'm pretty sure origamicage is shooting for 20k, and someone on twitter is doing a mini-NaNo of 200 words per day.

Again, we'll have to see how it goes. My novel may get completely side-tracked, for all I know. But we will see!

Pardon my self-rec - I just checked my tags and I actually do have a Gabriel/Lucifer fic that I wrote that's not Lucifer/Gabriel/Michael. (Or at least not entirely.)

I'm a very heavy Lucifer/Castiel shipper, by the way. I haven't written enough for the pairing yet, but I adore it. I also like him with Crowley and a crossover-ed character. But anyone will do. (Lucifer/Nick! Lucifer/Jimmy! I've read 'em both and they are good!) :)


aeon_entwined November 2 2010, 06:42:56 UTC
Congrats on the writing count!

As for me, I'm just watching from the sidelines. I'll be the one writing comment!fics for people as encouragement and little shiny things to keep them going. ;)


zekkass November 2 2010, 06:44:20 UTC

:D I approve of that plan. Lord knows that I enjoy your writing, so more is always good.

(And yes. I am planning to go back once this is over and write up c_f prompts from this month to make up for my absence.)


aeon_entwined November 2 2010, 06:50:24 UTC

FFFF! *blushes like mad* You're too sweet, love. :')

(Comment!fics are addicting. I have no long-range plans at the moment fic-wise, so I'm sticking to them.)


zekkass November 2 2010, 06:52:45 UTC

(Commentfics are helpful, too. I have issues with writing without prompts (as if I think up ideas I start getting epic plots that'll need longfic to write 'em in) so c_f helps me finish things and get nifty ideas.)


nbaeker November 2 2010, 06:47:08 UTC
5043 words today. original luci!fic :D


zekkass November 2 2010, 06:49:51 UTC
Congratulations! If you ever post it, link it - I'd like to read it.


nbaeker November 2 2010, 06:50:49 UTC
prologue and first chappy are on mah lj. <3


zekkass November 2 2010, 06:53:15 UTC
*goes to see*


silrini November 2 2010, 14:26:34 UTC
Hahahahahahahaha I barely got my wordcount in yesterday. Like, seriously, submitted it like two minutes before midnight last night. ^__^' But tonight I refuse to be distracted, even by pretty people dancing! (Damn you Dancing With the Stars for having sparkly outfits and good music. Two of my greatest weaknesses!) But today will be better, mostly because I don't have school today and have all day to work. ^__^


zekkass November 2 2010, 17:48:06 UTC
I was actually rather annoyed with the NaNo website over stats and all, as my day ends when I go to bed, and that's early morning, well past midnight. So the stats page claims that I had an unsuccessful day yesterday, and no. I did not. (<-- pardon, annoyed rant)

Congratulations on making it yesterday, and good luck with today's progress!


origamicage November 2 2010, 15:29:33 UTC
I got 1291, and I decided okay, you can read some WHEN I CATCH UP WARRRRGHBL.

I'm not going to work today either. No, not because of NaNo. Because it feels like someone punched me in the face and superglued my nostrils together. Aka, STUPID COLD TYPE THING


zekkass November 2 2010, 17:50:08 UTC
Psssst. 20k words divided by 30 days = 667 words per day. If that's still your goal, then you are well on your way to victory.

Because you will be home today, you can a) call, b) write moar, and c) drink lotsa warm drinks and get better, y/y?


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