My NaNo progress!

Nov 02, 2010 02:02

2474 / 50000 (4.95%)

Bam. I can go to bed happy tonight, even if I stop writing right now and get back on track tomorrow.

I do not have a title yet. Or even a working thing to call it. It's just my NaNo thing right now. I do have a plot direction to go in, some ideas, and characters.

I'm afraid I decided not to go with original fic this year, but fanfic. It's Supernatural fic, kind of, where I'm looking at the angels from the start and working my way forward. It's Lucifer-centric, takes some liberties with...y'know...everything, and has ways for me to go get creative with it.

Also I feel kind of accomplished, as this is my first NaNo in which I've gotten to NC-17 stuff before I hit 2k. ^^;; (Lucifer/Gabriel, if anyone wants to know.)

And now I have to ask: how is everyone else trucking along? Good? Bad? Not doing it all this year and watching us crazy people from the sidelines?

weirdweirdweird, nano, wooooooo, celebration, writing babble, turning fishes into wishes, this helps me cope with the drama around, bzuh?

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