
Oct 09, 2010 18:48

For, what else, the onlinespncon.

1. Lucifer.
2. Bobby.
3. Crowley.
4. Dean.
5. Famine.
6. Gabriel.
7. Sam.
8. Castiel.
9. Chuck.
10. Becky.
11. Batman.
12. Rapahel

1) If Castiel was involved with both Sam and Dean how would Sam and Dean react when they found out about one another?

Dean would be territorial, Sam would be surprised, to say the least, and Castiel would make them get over it.

2) Bobby and Famine are saying their vows when the doors are thrown open and Batman marches in demanding that the ceremony stop because Batman is in love with Famine and cannot let them marry Bobby. Does Famine go back to Batman or stay with Bobby?

I don't even. What. Um. Bobby is grateful when Famine goes back to Batman? I mean. What?

3) Sam has a phobia that involves Lucifer. What is the phobia?

Sam definitely has a phobia of saying the word 'Yes' to Lucifer. For good reason.

4) Chuck and Raphael are having a movie marathon night. What movie does Chuck pick and what movie does Raphael pick? Is Chuck happy with Raphael's pick and vice versa?

Chuck probably watches Wall-E because Becky said it was good and adorable, and he needs something less Doom n Gloom after his prophecies. Raphael Princess Bride? I don't know. But they put up with each other's choices because Raphael's protecting Chuck.

5) Becky is in an unhappy relationship with Dean and realizes that she should be with Bobby instead.

*head in hands* HOW?

6) Crowley is pregnant with Chuck's baby. How does Famine react?

With laughter. And a demand that he get invited to any baby showers, because those have great snack bars and whatnot.

7) Does Crowley handle commitments well?

Yes. Because to get souls, you do have to fulfill your end of the bargain.

8) If Raphael suffered from a mental disorder what would that disorder be?

Depression! After all, God's dead and the world should be burning, but it's not!

9) Lucifer sees Dean with Castiel and knows that Castiel is involved with Gabriel. Does Lucifer tell Gabriel that Castiel is cheating or does Gabriel deserve to find out on their own?

Lucifer doesn't say a word and goes to tell Sam instead, because funny stories might be able to make him say yes.

Gabriel, meanwhile, is probably egging Castiel on with this, and doesn't care that he's cheating at all.

10) Batman is set up, by Becky, on a blind date with Sam. Does the date go smoothly, and has Batman decided that he/she wants to kill Becky before the date has ended?

The date goes smoothly enough. Except that Dean won't stop texting Sam and demanding pictures or stories or SOMETHING because c'mon, it's BATMAN.

11) Bobby and Crowley have been dating for a year. Where does Bobby choose to pop the question?

A heck of a lot sooner than what you're thinking. I mean. "When can I have my soul back?" is important, after all.

12) Chuck wants to end their relationship with Famine. How does Chuck choose to do so? Heartbroken Famine has a one night stand with Crowley.

...this meme is killing me, here. I mean. Does Becky burst in and demand that Famine give her Chuck back? Does Chuck quietly admit that he'd like a more normal relationship?

And Crowley. Crowley woos Famine with the promise of souls. He has a surplus of them, after all.

13) Batman and Raphael married. How does Raphael handle Batman's death?

With confidence that DC Comics would bring him back sooner or later, because he's BATMAN.

14) If there was one thing Sam could change about their life what would it be?

ONE thing? Um. Jess' death? Him being The vessel?

15) If Famine could say anything to Becky what would they say?

He likes the quality about her that means she lives life with lots of energy?

16) A drunken Castiel comes home and finds Lucifer in bed with Batman. How does Castiel react?

He turns around and leaves, because that's obviously the wrong room. Unless it's Sam and Dean roleplaying during a wild make out session.

17) Is a sweet love scene between Gabriel and Chuck possible?

Yes. But Gabriel would freak whenever Chuck revealed that he's God.

18) Sam and Dean are bitter rivals. What made them rivals?

When they were young, Dean got his very own Batman Pez Dispenser, and Sam didn't get any Pez at all. The argued over that for years.

19) Is a happily ever after possible for Lucifer and Raphael?

Judging how Season Five ended, and how Season Six is going? No. Not at all.

20) Dean undergoes a gender-swap. Who would he/she sleep with first? Gabriel or Famine?

Gabriel. But with lots and lots of protesting over this.

21) If Sam had to be stuck on a island with Bobby or Crowley which would Sam choose? Why?

Bobby, because he's infinitely better company than Crowley.

22) Lucifer and Bobby are romantically involved when Lucifer's original love, Batman, returns from the dead. How does Lucifer handle the person's return?

He dumps Bobby immediately and gets back in with Batman. Because he wants to be able to lord his relationship with Batman over Dean and use the coolness of it to get Sam's consent.

23) Chuck is forced to choose who he will live with, and it's between Crowley and Gabriel. Which one does Nine choose to live?

Gabriel. He's not a demon, has amazing benefits, and has a killer headache relief drink.

24) Sam falls in love with Castiel. When Sam gets the opportunity to be with Castiel he/she is happy... until he/she finds out that Castiel is only using him/her to get close to Bobby.

Sam thinks that this is par for the course. After all, angels are dicks. And he's usually shipped with Sam/Angst.


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