A ficlet and twitfics.

Oct 09, 2010 15:31

In short, onlinespncon has neat prompts.

"Baby angels, Sam! It's like having kittens with superpowers!" Cas and Gabriel got themselves kiddified.

G, adorable. :D

And twitfics!

Dean, kittens

Sam-the-kitten sits in his front pocket and hisses every. single. time. he goes over the speed limit.

Gabriel, game

Gabriel is terrible at poker. Sam doesn't believe it, not until he scores fifty bucks off of the archangel. "Your pokerface sucks, man."

Castiel, sand

Gabriel likes to drag Castiel to the beach. "You can't spend all your time tense, bro." He claims before introducing Cas to surfing.

Dean, coat

"Why haven't you gotten rid of the coat, Cas?" Cas' coat has survived the apocalypse. "Angelic weapons cannot harm this coat, Dean."

Dean, abandonment

Dean stares at his phone, and wonders if he should pray. He does, after a moment. But he knows. Cas isn't coming.

Castiel, clouds

Castiel has touched a cloud before. Sam instantly envies him for that. He's dreamt of opening airplane windows and touching clouds before.

Sam, umbrella

Gabriel hands him an umbrella with ducks on it. The ducks are wearing rubber boots. "I am not waiting in the rain with you. Never again."

Lucifer, misunderstood

Lucifer is actually a member of Greenpeace. He's the best environmentalist Earth has. He saves tigers! That's why he wants humans gone.

Michael, responsibility

It's a good thing Michael never caught up with Gabriel. After destroying Lucifer he needs to beat Gabriel for leaving him alone up there.

Gabriel, pigeons

"So the pigeon's name is Simon." "Yep." "And you feed him religiously at eleven am." "Yep." "Why?" "I need an excuse to sing Lehrer's song."

Said Song.

Gabriel, slinky

When Gabriel played with a slinky, it went UP the stairs for him, and slid down the banister. Also, it never got tangled or broke.

spn fic, spn:sam, silly!, spn:dean, fic, snorksnorksnork, spn:ensemble, spn:gabriel, spn:castiel

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