Yea im in 1st hour it is gay i just went to the potty and walked around for like 10 min. now im bord again Paige is doing Nick Quaines H/w for psychology so i think im ganna copy it bc i dont want to have to finish it 3rd hour today. Paige's bro wants dreadlocks now bc his best friend just got them and she says its sick lol... Cristy doesnt know
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Hey well i got this infection from a scratch my cuz gave me it is sick my mom has told me the name like a bagillion times but i cant think of it lol but it is contagiuos if u have a cut that touches it, and now im on med. for that huge pills, then im on med for my coagh, i put my tree up today... and is it wrong to go cammando at school in jeans
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Well i am sick like a dog... and its all bc of somebody lol... then school sucked i was bord and coughing all day then i came home and sat their played some guitar d/l music... Brian came over then i went to McDonalds with him... came home ate stew that my mom made then Cristy called and i actually heard my cell phone bc i guess Danielle called
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Hey today was sweet i learned some new sweet songs on the guitar all i gotta say is Dan "Just Beat It" lol well then i went to my gramps ate food and watched King of teh Hill... The lions suck... then we sat around and listendd to old ppl talking it was fun... Cristy called and wanted me to go to the movies with her and Kelly and i couldnt so they
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Hey whats up well today i woke up ate food... Jake came to pick me up for our band practice at Dan's house... then i came home and reinstalled my comp after i deleted everything off of it... went to Lyndsay's house and had a untime " Hanging Out" lol Danielle... now im har playin guitar comment on ur day or IM me Peace
I can't sleep...So I just, get onmy knees, Beg you please, Forgive me... I never meant to do you wrong, I swear I never, but it's so hard seeing me without you, why can't we just be , Perfect
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Well Today i talked to Cristy from like 12-3:30 AM... then i went to bed woke up at 12 and played GTA San Andreas, played some guitar then i went to Cristy's house it was sweet bc we havnt hung out together in soo long i miss hanging out with her and stuff... we played shoots and ladders the right way then we changed the rules bc we are sweet like
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