Latest Fandom: Wiseguy

Aug 17, 2009 10:35

Hooray, a new fandom has hit! I have sarren to thank for supervising my initial viewing and then leaving the DVDs in close proximity until it took. Yet again I'm bewildered that it's taken me this long to get interested in a show that seems to be exactly my thing ( Read more... )

wiseguy, recs: fanfic

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Comments 2

isiscolo August 17 2009, 03:08:14 UTC
Contingency Plans by neery. Vinnie/Sonny, AU assuming Sonny escapes from the Rialto - and brings Vinnie with him. It’s a fabulous road-trip story, a perfect set-up and a satisfying ending.

Of astolat's stories I liked best Knocking over the Table and Sunday Driving.

I have some Wiseguy zines, mostly Frank/Vinnie. Do you want them?


zebra363 August 17 2009, 04:20:44 UTC
I like Contingency Plans (except for the dog show!), just don't quite love the ending since I thought Vinnie was throwing away too much of himself to follow Sonny to Mexico. You've just prompted me to read it again, though, and maybe I should revise my opinion since part of Vinnie's motivation is to keep Sonny from causing future trouble! Some of the dialogue in it is really nice: "My feelings for you, that was never the cover" and "Yeah, I know that. You never cared about money. Never quite made sense to me what you were even doing in the family, guy with your smarts, and your morals." I'm off to say as much to the author!

Sunday Driving would be my next favourite astolat story to the ones I listed. I love Pete's "Do you want to tell me this man's not worth saving?" and the way Sonny offers Vinnie a cleaner line of work. I just don't rate it quite as highly because in it, Sonny doesn't know what Vinnie really is, though maybe Vinnie will eventually be able to tell him ( ... )


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