Latest Fandom: Wiseguy

Aug 17, 2009 10:35

Hooray, a new fandom has hit! I have sarren to thank for supervising my initial viewing and then leaving the DVDs in close proximity until it took. Yet again I'm bewildered that it's taken me this long to get interested in a show that seems to be exactly my thing!

Vinnie has to be one of the all-round smartest characters I've ever had the pleasure of watching, though I didn't see that at first behind his slightly thuggish appearance and sometimes rough manner of speaking. I hadn't really thought before about how difficult being an undercover agent would be, having to keep up a convincing act all the time in significant danger with virtually no help available to you. He's so brave, too. I'm currently swooning over the scenes in the Profitt arc where he tells Mel Profitt never to point a gun at him again, and where he refuses to push Jacqueline overboard. Colour me impressed.

I looked up the FBI website to learn more about what it takes to be an agent and was surprised to learn that accounting is one of the preferred degrees to get you in! However, you have to be under 37, so scratch that as a possible alternative career. I also looked up the Mafia, which helped with my understanding of some episodes.

What's the absolute best-case scenario when you get interested in an older fandom for which there isn't a lot of online fanfic? To discover that astolat has written no less than 10 stories in it. This is like winning the lottery.

I love Sonny/Vinnie and could probably live for years on the emotion in the Nights in White Satin scene in their final episode together, but I want Sonny to know what Vinnie is and I don't want Vinnie to give up his convictions about law and order for Sonny's sake. I love the passion in Vinnie's voice when he says "It's about the law, man!" in their final scene and I don't think he could turn his back on that very easily. Also, I want Sonny to realise just how talented Vinnie is and not think he's just something that Sonny has created.

A couple of favourite astolat stories in which Vinnie tells Sonny "I'm a federal agent", which I've decided is my absolute favourite sentence in the fandom:

Confessional A sizzling story that leaves me wishing I was a bit more accomplished in the creativity stakes and could figure out what's going to happen next.

Just One Of Those Things Sonny/Theresa/Vinnie  Vinnie crosses the tracks to a significant extent in this one, but not entirely, and Sonny learns what Vinnie is early on and changes a little to meet him part-way. A feel-good happy-ever-after story.

Knocking Over The Table is also enjoyable. I thought the premise was kind of bizarre before I realised it was written for a "Day After Tomorrow" challenge.

I love Frank, also, especially his dedication to his job despite all it costs him and the way he seems to be intimidated by nobody. One of my favourite things in any fandom is a story set many years later when the characters are older, so imagine my delight to find an excellent one amongst the limited Wiseguy stories online: Phantoms Under Glass by Melody Clark, gen, Frank & Vinnie.  Warning for the story: Alzheimer's.

I'm also having a ball watching my Media Cannibals 1 & 2 tape, which has lots of Wiseguy that I've always pretty much skipped before.

All this beats hands down being irritated about work or burying alpacas. Yay fandom! 

wiseguy, recs: fanfic

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