1. Semi-actively looking for work to replace my 20-hour-a-week Normal Accounting Job. Things have settled down there a lot, but I no longer have a positive or even a neutral feeling about the place. However, a) good part-time work is hard to find, and b) I think I should be taking the opportunity to find something more fulfilling to do, rather than just trying to replace what I have. Haven't had any brilliant ideas there, but am working on it.
2. I've injured my ITB (iliotibial band, which runs down the side of the thigh) and am not supposed to run for several weeks, so won't be doing the City to Surf. That will teach me to take stretching more seriously. The physio has me doing
exercises on a foam roller. These exercises started out very painful and are now only moderately painful, and I look forward every day to seeing how much less painful they'll be that night!
3. After yesterday's AGM, I'm now the treasurer of the state alpaca association. However, the election didn't quite go to plan in that the person I thought I would be working with closely as President didn't get elected to the committee at all. I don't mind keeping the books, but I'm not very enthusiastic about attending committee meetings. Still, it should be interesting enough.
4. I'm afraid I'm going to have to bury another alpaca tomorrow, a big one this time. Zac, who was our second cria, has a serious back injury (unknown cause) and can't get up. The vet has had him on strong painkillers for four days, hoping that there would be some healing, but there doesn't seem to have been.
5. I'm into my normal winter/spring routine, planting trees and spraying weeds in almost every free moment. I didn't buy a huge number of trees this year and am not planning to hold a tree planting day, but if anyone who's threatened to visit wants to do it in the next few weeks, you're more than welcome to install a few trees while you're here! The place looks its best at this time of the year - nice and green with a flowing creek. I also want to burn some of the fallen branches on the far side of the creek, but don't think I'd better do that alone, so fire supervisors would also be very welcome.
6. Fannishly, I've finally read all of
astolat's Master and Commander stories. It's funny how I can enjoy AUs in fandoms I'm not invested in, but not ones where I care about the source material.
Duende is still my favourite. And thanks to
sarren leaving Season 1 of Wiseguy here recently, I'm doing my ITB exercises to the Sonny arc episodes. In my normal impatient fashion I skipped ahead to the bitter end, was utterly blown away (despite having seen the
final scenes, complete with the original Nights in White Satin soundtrack, on YouTube before) and am now filling in the middle.
7. Behind on New Things. Will catch up, but this is my busiest time of the year and I've been a bit distracted.