Wiseguy: Vinnie

Aug 22, 2009 17:37

Maybe it's just the new fandom high talking, but I'm not sure I've ever fallen for any character quite as thoroughly as I have for Vinnie in Wiseguy. He is so, so smart and good at what he does, and the fact that he works undercover and only a handful of people know who he really is puts him on a whole different level in terms of the difficulty of his work and personal life compared to every other character I've ever admired. He's an amazing mix of streetwise intelligence, physical strength and bravery, Italian demonstrativeness, morality and idealism and as bardiegrub said to me, seems to have chemistry with everyone.

I'm halfway through season 2 and eating up Vinnie's deepening relationship with Frank. They have a beautiful scene in "Last of the True Believers" where Vinnie is worried about a young friend who's supposed to be getting information for him.

Vinnie: Richie should've called by now.
Frank: Yeah? But he didn't. And there's nothing you can do about it. You don't know whether he's been treated to a 14-course meal or fed to the sharks, so your mind, it marks the time by playing all the possibilities, always thinking the worst. You always feel like you should've done something a little extra for the kid. Because you care about him. You really do. Oh, sometimes you feel like having him fit for a straightjacket. Sometimes you feel like wringing his neck. But he's your responsibility. He's family by default. [Long pause, smiling slightly at Vinnie] Sometimes the silences can be loud.

Frank is very nearly as compelling as Vinnie and easier to relate to. I've pre-ordered season 4, which doesn't even have Vinnie in it, just to see more of him (and specifically to hear him talk about Vinnie). There is a great episode guide at this Jonathan Banks website with some of his best lines.

I've been inspired to look up the Australian Federal Police and discovered they don't seem to have an age limit for entry the way the FBI does. In an AU of my life I'd like to be in the police or the military (both of which always come up along with accounting as ideal careers for people with my personality type!). I've looked into joining both in the past, but at this point I probably wouldn't handle handing over control of my life to someone else. Actually, I probably wouldn't have handled it at any point.

What I'm supposed to be doing this weekend is an annual report for a mining company. Since I can't concentrate while I have unwatched episodes, I'm trying to work in the living room on my laptop in front of the TV. You can imagine how well that's going. I think I've figured out about three numbers so far.


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