
Aug 09, 2009 10:10

1.  Semi-actively looking for work to replace my 20-hour-a-week Normal Accounting Job. Things have settled down there a lot, but I no longer have a positive or even a neutral feeling about the place. However, a) good part-time work is hard to find, and b) I think I should be taking the opportunity to find something more fulfilling to do, rather ( Read more... )

wiseguy, accounting, update, alpacas, property, running

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Comments 15

imkalena August 9 2009, 02:33:56 UTC
Those foam roller things are AWESOME. If I used it regularly, I'd be a lot happier, although in a lot more short-term pain, than I've been lately.

Sorry about the alpaca. Wow, that truly sucks. :(


zebra363 August 10 2009, 01:13:27 UTC
Yes to the short-term pain! I'm relieved that it's getting noticeably easier every night. I was surprised at just how much it hurt, particularly since my legs feel perfectly fine to walk around on. I was only getting pain when I ran for more than a few kilometres.

We are not having a good run with the alpacas! Hopefully better times are ahead.


shayheyred August 9 2009, 02:46:32 UTC
I'm also having IT band problems on one side, though I'm not a runner, and my trainer just taught me the foam-roller trick the other day. It HURTS!

Sorry to hear about Zac. I hope he has a miraculous recovery so you won't have to take expreme measures.


zebra363 August 10 2009, 01:11:40 UTC
I was surprised just how much the foam roller hurt at first, but it's rapidly getting easier. The first night, I kept rolling off it and lying on my back moaning and groaning.

Haven't made a decision on Zac yet.


blacksquirrel August 9 2009, 03:01:37 UTC
*waves* Thanks for checking in!


transcendancing August 9 2009, 03:35:28 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear about Zac :(

b) I think I should be taking the opportunity to find something more fulfilling to do, rather than just trying to replace what I have. Haven't had any brilliant ideas there, but am working on it.

This is so exciting - it resonates with me given the phase I'm in myself.

I hope that the foam roller stuff continues to help. I'm having to get K to massage my calves for me quite a lot atm, as I've hurt the bottom of my feet somehow :( I wonder if some kind of roller trick would be just as good if not better?


zebra363 August 10 2009, 01:17:02 UTC
I haven't made any great progress, but don't want to continue on indefinitely doing what I have been. Or more accurately, I'd be quite happy to keep doing the same sort of work, but for a different kind of organisation.

Someone sent me this link about using rollers to do trigger point work on other parts of the body.


transcendancing August 10 2009, 03:34:19 UTC
oooh! Thank you for the link! :)


rabbit1080 August 9 2009, 04:40:17 UTC
That ITB foam-roller exercise is much less painful for me than it used to be. Which in turn is much less painful than the acupuncture that my physio had to do on my ITB in the first place. I may have sworn a bit at the time :)

(does ITB foam-roller excercise count as a New Thing btw?)


zebra363 August 10 2009, 01:08:10 UTC
I'm finding it gets easier every night, which is pleasing!

My physio did acupuncture my first two visits, and last time I asked her if she could find some other treatment method. I hate it!

The foam roller is a new thing, but I've decided I should stop counting things that just happen to me, rather than things I go out and make happen!


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