Favourite Movie List

Jan 29, 2004 22:19

Here's mine. Not in categories - I pretty much only like drama/war and fantasy.

1. Gettysburg
2. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
3. Star Wars
4. The Shawshank Redemption
5. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
6. Japanese Story
7. Das Boot
8. The Deer Hunter
9. Dances With Wolves
10. Lawrence of Arabia

11. Crouching Tiger, Hidden

recs: other, memes

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Re: zebra363 January 29 2004, 07:46:03 UTC
Horses and scenery count for a lot, I'm afraid. Battle scenes with horses = good movie.


sarren January 29 2004, 08:07:52 UTC
I haven't seen Gettysburg (heard it was way too long?) or Japanese story (heard it was sad?) or The Deer Hunter (classic, but old?)

Did pause in disbelief also at no 9, but Trille spared me the trouble of mocking it. Horses good. Also wolves.

Just bought lawrence of Arabia on DVD. I insist you come over and watch it. or invite me up there, as we're the only ones who can appreciate it.

sarren doing the dance of joy at finding a fellow LoA fan


zebra363 January 30 2004, 06:29:05 UTC
Gettysburg is about 4 hours long, which is possibly too long if you have no interest in military history! I saw it at the cinema four times when it first came out (no good on small screen). Then I started spending my lunchtimes in the military bookshop in Melbourne, and a few years later I convinced my sister to put Civil War museums on our itinerary when we went to the States. The book it's based on (The Killer Angels) is also great.

Japanese Story sad yes.

Would love to watch LoA again. I'm especially fond of the camel scenes!


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