Tree Planting and Bonfire 2006

Jul 24, 2006 11:08

The Count:  525 plants in about 3 hours. No, wait, adding the ones dragonfly8 and psycho_tabby brought:  531 plants. 
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trees, property

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Comments 22

chaosmanor July 24 2006, 03:19:06 UTC
Sorry I couldn't be with you this year. I actually had a WASFF meeting I was supposed to go to, but wasn't well enough even for that.


zebra363 July 24 2006, 03:25:26 UTC
No problem at all. I'm very sorry your health's taken such a downturn. :(


sarren July 24 2006, 03:30:33 UTC
Nice :)


zebra363 July 24 2006, 06:28:01 UTC
Yours too. A good day!


vegetariansushi July 24 2006, 03:38:05 UTC
I have to say, y'all win in at tree planting in a very impressive manner. It's amazing how much got done in a single day, and more amazing that they somehow stay alive -- I can kill any plant, just by looking at it. It's my superpower.


juffles July 24 2006, 04:15:40 UTC
One digger, one planter and one bagger can do a tray of 64 plants in about half an hour. And we had 16 people...although one of them was a 5-year-old union supervisor in the making. Do this! Do that! I need a hole here! Where's that hole gone? Where are the plants? Why aren't the plants next to the holes? MUM! I NEED WATER NOW! J! Mum's busy, bring water! :)


zebra363 July 24 2006, 06:18:17 UTC
I'm doing all right at keeping my hundreds of revegetation plants alive, but I just managed to kill the tree in the nice pot on my front porch that my mother gave me last year. Something to do with not watering it, I think.


black_samvara July 24 2006, 03:39:45 UTC
We are the bestest!


zebra363 July 24 2006, 06:20:25 UTC
We did well! You were planting at an amazing rate there for a long time!


cricketk July 24 2006, 03:49:52 UTC
Five-year-old Bunny to six-foot-four juffles,
She was still bossing him hard late in the day.

You are all great, great people to know.
It's you - you bring it out in us.

I had a great day yet again! Thank you Mum for catering again and for keeping me company in the kitchen - she rocks.


juffles July 24 2006, 04:06:42 UTC
She was still bossing him hard late in the day.

Bunny: That's MY spot on the blanket.
Exhausted Juffles: Oh...I'm sorry. *doesn't move*
Bunny: *looks slightly nonplussed*



zebra363 July 24 2006, 06:26:46 UTC
She did a pretty amazing day's work for five years old, I thought.

And it might be the other way round!

I bet Mom really enjoyed your company. It's great to be able to mix her with my Gay Sex Friends. *g*


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