Wiseguy: Vinnie

Aug 22, 2009 17:37

Maybe it's just the new fandom high talking, but I'm not sure I've ever fallen for any character quite as thoroughly as I have for Vinnie in Wiseguy. He is so, so smart and good at what he does, and the fact that he works undercover and only a handful of people know who he really is puts him on a whole different level in terms of the difficulty of ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

sarren August 22 2009, 10:35:13 UTC
I told you'd like Wiseguy.
I told you you'd like Frank.
I win at pimping FOR LIFE.

Is season 4 when Vinnie disappeared and Frank is frantic, looking for him? And then he comes back at the end and they fall into each other's arms?


zebra363 August 22 2009, 10:51:49 UTC
I win at pimping FOR LIFE.

You absolutely do. Please continue to do it for life!! I don't know what I'd do without you!

Vinnie disappears temporarily in late season 3, which I've ordered. The hug from that songvid is in the second-last episode of S3.

Then he disappears for good (except for a one-off movie) at the start of season 4. Frank speaks at a memorial service for him in the first episode. That's the scene I absolutely have to see. It's being released next month.


sarren August 22 2009, 11:42:11 UTC
But..but..what is the point, without Vinnie? What is the point of ANYTHING?


zebra363 August 22 2009, 11:49:41 UTC
Frank is the point. And specifically, Frank missing Vinnie and having hopes that he is still alive!


sarren August 22 2009, 10:37:00 UTC

I just noticed your Vinnie icon.


zebra363 August 22 2009, 11:04:20 UTC
There's a good summary of online Wiseguy stuff here and I got it from one of the icon posts listed.

The depressing thing is that I've now read all of the stories it mentions!

I read a good story from that zine today, in which Frank tells his son about his relationship with Vinnie. Thanks for lending it to me!


sarren August 22 2009, 11:40:39 UTC
Yay for finding one good fic in a zine!!!

In the bad old days before the internet you tooks your chances and you bought zines. I used to buy multimedia zines and be FORCED to read in fandoms I'd never even heard of. Come to think of it, there were a few fandoms I'd never have discovered otherwise, so it wasn't all bad.


zebra363 August 22 2009, 11:48:39 UTC
I haven't read it all yet, so it's possible that there's more than one good story in it!


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