
Aug 22, 2015 13:58

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Comments 8

silverweave August 23 2015, 07:51:54 UTC
Happy birthday! I hope you have had a lovely one. I heartily approve of your gifts to yourself and the colourways on those yarns are beautiful. Do you have a project in mind?


zbyszko August 23 2015, 13:30:09 UTC
The yarn in the first pic will become a sweater although I haven't quite decided on which( I have enough yardage for a good selection) and the silk will probably become a shawlette.

I am thinking of this sweater as I already have the pattern: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/arabella-15


silverweave August 24 2015, 18:39:43 UTC
Ooo, that's pretty! I have some teal that I must knit into a shawl at some point. I have patterns, just no discipline!


zbyszko August 24 2015, 20:16:20 UTC
I keep on knitting shawls and shawlettes even though I have way too many already. But I wear them as scarves in the winter and winter is usually very long here. : ) Actually it is almost cool enough today to wear one.


beachtree August 23 2015, 21:11:01 UTC
Teal and turtle theme? Yeah, I'm reaching!

Happy b-day to you!!!


zbyszko August 23 2015, 23:55:23 UTC
Thanks! Teal is always a theme around here. : )


helen_c August 25 2015, 19:19:37 UTC

Happy  (very ) belated birthday to you !!! I admire the knitting you do so much... and the colors are beatiful :)


zbyszko August 25 2015, 19:36:12 UTC
Thanks! The yarn from my sister arrived today - even better color in person. Knitting is a great hobby - so many patterns and I can listen to audiobooks at the same time or watch tv (and still be doing something productive).


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