Title: In Memory
Pairing: none, trio friendship (Spock, Jim, Bones)
Rating: gen
Warnings: none, but contains STID spoilers
Word count: around 3600
Beta: the lovely
imachar Summary: STID missing scene fic: Spock gets called to account by Dr McCoy for the way he treated Captain Pike. Can they find a way to get past it?
In Memory )
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And, yes, none of them were doing their damned jobs. Playing at Space Cowboys, indeed!
I guess we won't actually get to see this part, to see what should have occurred after the first movie, with Jim as first officer under Pike and Spock as science officer and Bones serving under Boyce in medbay. *sigh* At least here in this world, they'll get it right the second time around.
I do wish there had been a world where we saw the older generation and the youngters serving together on the Enterprise, but I guess we'll just have to write it ourselves.
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