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spn fic masterlist

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Comments 41

hasida November 26 2010, 00:42:31 UTC

What an impressively long and varied list, long may it keep growing :-)


hasida November 26 2010, 00:43:16 UTC
Love the warning LOL


zatnikatel November 26 2010, 01:02:38 UTC
Exorcist Girl keeps telling me to watch my language. But at least Omen Boy is now saying Chrysler almighty instead of the other, since the other doesn't go down all that well here in the bible belt… >:)


zatnikatel November 26 2010, 01:03:16 UTC
Awww, thanks honey! One day I will scare everyone by posting my A-Team fanfic! :-D


natashakane November 26 2010, 02:16:21 UTC
Being Irish and Catholic myself, I enjoyed your warning. ^-^ Looking forward to anything you may add.


zatnikatel November 29 2010, 02:46:31 UTC
Raises her glass to a fellow Paddy!

I used to be quite devout as a kid, had a picture of Pope John-Paul-George-and-Ringo on the wall, went to Mass every Sunday, the whole nine yards. What happened to me?


Your writing anonymous December 31 2010, 04:11:33 UTC
I read an extensive amount of Supernatural fanfiction (probably too much), and just wanted to say that you are the most exiting writer I have ever had the privilege to read. I envy you your talent, and hope you continue to write these stories. You have no idea how much I look forward to each new chapter.

Thank you, and hope you have a healthy, happy New Year.


Re: Your writing zatnikatel December 31 2010, 04:22:28 UTC
Wow, what a lovely thing to say. I'm sort of overwhelmed by it actually… some things in fandom and RL have been demotivating me recently, and I've been wondering whether or not I really want to keep doing this. So reading a comment like this - well, it just about made my holidays, believe me. I really appreciate that you stopped by and I hope you might drive by again to see my reply and maybe delurk if you're registered on LJ. ;-)


tesserae_ January 11 2011, 01:36:07 UTC
Friending you; I've just read Sunshine State and your storytelling voice is gorgeous.


zatnikatel January 11 2011, 02:10:21 UTC
Hey thanks muchly, what a lovely thing to say! I'm real glad you enjoyed the story, and I hope you find some more that you like. ;-)


arial86 March 9 2011, 09:29:17 UTC
Hi! I've just friended you 'cause I've read Shine and loved it! You're really awesome, and I wanna read all your works <3 Sorry if I don't elaborate much, but at this point I'm not so far from sleepwalking XD


zatnikatel March 10 2011, 14:37:43 UTC
Hey there: thanks for your kind words! I'm real glad you enjoyed the story and I hope you get the chance to plow through the rest of them at some point! ;-)


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