
Nov 24, 2015 22:24

General warning Expect strong language and blasphemy. For I am Irish. And Catholic. Please also note ratings and content warnings prior to reading.

Disclaimer All recognizable characters/settings belong to their creators. The stories listed here are transformative works, from which I've made/am making no financial profit.

PDFs I'd be grateful if anyone who wants to PDF any stories that I haven't already made available for download either here or via AO3 please check with me first - thanks!

I no longer post fic here - it's at my AO3 account, so some of the links below will take you there.

I Won't Send Roses
Dean doesn't do love…
Dean, Castiel, Sam; NC-17; ~2,800 words

Cas's world turns to blinding white static for a fraction of a breath before he erupts, the rising cry of his rage ringing shrill in his own ears as he tears them apart, blade furious, swallowing their grace as they explode into blue light…
Dean, Castiel; NC-17; ~3,000 words

A Distant Mirror
Castiel's fingers are tapping softly on Dean's forehead, and the air is suddenly oddly heavy with something; with age, with knowledge, with a gust of wind that buffets the curtains, with a crackle of sounds, with the scent of salt, and copper…
Dean, Castiel, OMCs; NC-17; ~15,000 words

No Man's Land
Benny Lafitte is a praying man…
Castiel, Dean, Benny; PG-13; 648 words

He's not Charles…
Castiel, OFC; PG-13; 440 words

To Carry Me Home
Sometimes she thinks she can see the man he must have been in the way his green eyes gleam and dance at her…
Dean, Castiel, OFC; PG-13; 317 words

Heart's Ease
It isn't really an answer… or maybe it is.
Dean, Castiel; S8; NC-17; 300 words

"I never let go…"
Dean, Castiel; S8; NC-17; 1,790 words

In the Blood
With the King of Hell dead, Samuel Campbell's grief drives him to what seems like the only course of action left to redeem his daughter: a crossroads deal. When the demon who answers Campbell's summons tells him the blood of a very specific angel can open the gates of Purgatory, the Winchesters are drawn into a desperate search in which shifting allegiances and hidden agendas threaten all they hold dear...
D/C Big Bang 2011, co-written with nightrider101; Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, Samuel Campbell, Gwen Campbell, Crowley, Meg, Balthazar; D/C; NC-17; S6 AU (set after 6.15/The French Mistake); 75,560 words

Something Stupid
Castiel knows that Dean is lonely, damaged, disintegrating right before his eyes. And he knows that Dean is still the most important, precious, beautiful thing he has ever held…
Dean, Castiel, Sam, Balthazar; D/C; NC-17; spoilers up to 6.16; 20,398 words

There's a second when Dean stops, when all he can see is Nebraska-sky blue gazing back at him, and he wonders if he might be giving Castiel a choice…
Dean, Castiel; D/C; PG-13; 626 words

Eat, Pray, Love
Dean loves Castiel's body, loves its spare, wiry hardness, its miles and miles of perfect skin, its miles and miles of perfect sin…
Dean, Castiel; D/C; NC-17; 930 words

Suddenly Dean knows what it meant when the angel stopped and gazed down at him, knows that Castiel was fixing that moment in his mind, learning him by heart and committing him to memory…
Dean, Castiel; D/C; NC-17; spoilers up to 6.20; 4,588 words

Love Comes Tumbling
Dean thinks maybe the angel soldered them together with hellfire and grace down in the Pit, that maybe part of Castiel ran molten and melted into his soul and Castiel took a part of him to fill the space it left behind…
Dean, Castiel, Sam, Bobby; D/C; NC-17; spoilers up to 6.18; 4,491 words

They never talk about it in the cold gray of morning, when they become killer and soldier again…
Dean, Castiel; D/C; NC-17; spoilers up to 6.16; 4,542 words

Car Maintenance 101
Sam waggles his eyebrows suggestively. "Make up. Woo him. And I mean that just like it sounds…"
Dean, Sam, Castiel; D/C; NC-17; spoilers up to 6.12; 2,518 words

True North
He's fundamental, and always has been…
Dean, Castiel; D/C; NC-17; End!verse; angst/hurt/comfort; references to dub-con, child death and substance abuse; 3,682 words

Chrysler Almighty
Castiel always has made Dean's name sound like a caress…
Dean, Castiel; D/C; NC-17; S6 episode tag to Family Matters; angst/crack/graphic sex; 5,736 words

Spoken For
Castiel + Crowley + bar crawl = pissed-off Dean…
Dean, Castiel, Crowley; D/C pre-slash; PG-13; S5; crack;1,545 words

Sunshine State
Florida is even worse with a sore throat…
Dean, Sam, Castiel; D/C pre-slash; PG-13; S5; angst/hurt/comfort; 3,635 words

You can also find D/C ficlets at my Tumblr using the search term "ficlet."

Redemption: Director's Cut Epilogue
Love is stronger than death…
Dean, Castiel, Sam; NC-17; 9,266 words

Love is stronger than death…
Dean, Castiel, Sam; NC-17; 85,000 words

Achilles' Last Stand
"There are things out there… bad things."
Dean, Castiel, Sam; NC-17; 15,000 words

The Call of Cthulhu
The dreamer has stopped sleeping…
Dean, Castiel, Sam; R; 16,000 words

A Book of Days
"Is this the journal of a hunter? Am I a hunter now, or am I still an angel? I don't know…"
Castiel; R; 7,100 words

Apt Pupil
This games transmutes forty years of horror into something Dean can own and control…
Castiel, Dean; D/C; NC-17; 650 words

"I don’t understand that reference…"
Castiel, Claire Novak; D/C; PG-13; 250 words

Who You Gonna Call?
"You shattered my Shatner…"
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Ed Zeddmore; D/C; PG-13; 2,560 words

He says her name, not like before, not calculated, he chokes it out as if she is cherished, because in this moment he cherishes her for her father, who no longer can…
Dean, Castiel, Bobby, Crowley, Amelia Novak, Claire Novak; D/C; NC-17; 41,000 words

The Magic Faraway Tree
"You're not alone in the darkness, Cas. Neither of us is…"
Dean, Castiel; D/C; NC-17; 10,000 words

Sioux Falls
December moves in, inevitable as it is grueling…
Dean, Castiel, Sam, Bobby; D/C; R; 25,000 words

Lead Us Not
The Lord giveth. And the Lord taketh away…
Dean, Castiel, Sam, Bobby, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Pamela Barnes; D/C; PG-13; 14,000 words

World Leader Pretend
Team Free Will is sent reeling as Sam struggles with the aftermath of his time in the cage, and Dean struggles to cope with the loss of his best friend. Meanwhile, Castiel's miracles have unforeseen consequences that may force Bobby's hand…
Dean, Castiel, Sam, Bobby; D/C; PG-13; 10,300 words

Dean is gone, vanished in a flash of light. Castiel is back, with a handprint to match Dean's and a whispered name on his lips: Michael. And Sam faces losing his brother to an archangel who fell three decades ago, as Team Free Will finds out Dean's connection to Michael runs deeper than being his vessel, and Dean comes to terms with who he is meant to be and his growing attachment to the angel who gripped him tight and raised him from perdition…
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, Crowley, Meg, Lucifer, Michael; Gen (can be read as D/C pre-slash); R (for violence); S5 AU (set after Point of No Return); 127,000 words; MAJOR SPOILER This is a Dean-Michael fic

Never Come Back
In the immediate aftermath of their close encounter with Alastair, the brothers chase a demon whose victims all have one thing in common…
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, Ruby, Deputy Kathleen Hudak; Gen (can be read as D/C pre-slash); R (for violence); S4 (set after On the Head of a Pin); continuation of Woods verse; angst/hurt/comfort; references to non-con and torture; 92,500 words

The Killing Moon
A promise to a friend takes Dean Winchester back to the woods of Hibbing, in a hunt that brings him face to face with his worst nightmare…
Dean, Sam, Bobby, Deputy Kathleen Hudak; Gen; R (for violence); S1; sequel to The Woods are Lonely, Dark and Deep; angst/hurt/comfort; references to non-con and child prostitution; 150,000 words

The Woods are Lonely, Dark and Deep
Missy Bender was three things. She was obsessive. She was insane. And she was in love, with a tall, beautiful stranger who looked real purty when he was hurting…
Dean, Sam, Bobby, Deputy Kathleen Hudak; Gen; R (for violence); S1 (set after The Benders); angst/hurt/comfort; references to non-con and child prostitution; 93,000 words

Is there a pumpkin patch in Hell?
Dean, Ben, Sid, Sam; Gen; PG-13; pre-S6; angst/hurt/comfort; references to torture; 3,204 words

Half Past Dead
There are some people you can sure do without when you have the flu...
Dean, Sam, Meg; Gen; PG-13; S5; angst/crack; 5,398 words

Five times someone got Dean Winchester to rest…
Dean, Sam, John, Bobby; Gen; PG-13; S5; angst/hurt/comfort; 1,610 words

Barrel of Laughs
He's been claustrophobic since he woke up in a pine box buried six feet under…
Dean, Sam; Gen; PG-13; S4; angst/hurt/comfort; 771 words

A New Animal
Castiel trusts Dean…
Dean, Sam, Castiel; PG-13; S4 (episode tag to On the Head of a Pin); angst/hurt/comfort; 4,254 words

In Restless Dreams
It wasn't right, what he said. It was cruel, and he's not cruel. Is he?
Dean, Sam, Bobby, Castiel; Gen; PG-13; S4 (episode tag to Sex and Violence); angst, hurt/comfort; 3,083 words

She knows he could do it because she knows what he did…
Dean, Ruby; Gen; PG-13; S4 (set after Heaven and Hell); angst; 2,331 words

Enter, Sandman
It ends with a bang, not with a whimper. And Dean, the angels, the endgame and the Apocalypse can just all go to hell, because it's time for Sam to embrace his differences…
Dean, Sam, Castiel, Uriel; Gen; PG-13; S4 AU (evol!Sam); angst/crack; 2,057 words

spn fic masterlist

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