~You're serving a banquet of lies, and I'm not hungry!

Sep 22, 2010 01:21

Haha thanks everyone who tuned into the stream. I really wish I could get the game audio AND mic audio to work, but this is an issue I was struggling with before with fraps and various other games with no success, as kitty_nakoji will tell you. I think it's an issue with my soundcard, which sucks but what can you do. At least it's still somewhat enjoyable even when it's just me talking, hopefully. :O

Anyway the game itself wasn't bad, and knowing that five people made it does make it more impressive. I suspect I might have gotten a bit more into it if I'd been alone and not mocking it the whole time, haha. But it could have been worse, definitely, and there were some parts that did give me a bit of the creeps even while talking constantly (the torture chambers notably) so that's something.

On a related note, the next chapter of the King's Quest fangame is out! I already gushed about the first part earlier, but this next part promises to have puzzles and everything, and I'm tempted to livestream that too. The thing is that this would be less outright mocking, and more me telling long-winded nostalgic stories about every character and the years I spent playing Sierra games. And depending on the game itself being crushingly disappointed, although from the first chapter I don't think that'll happen. IF YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN HEARING THAT THEN PERHAPS I WILL ALSO SET UP A LIVESTREAM FOR THAT AS WELL
If not then I will play it by myself, haha.

Anyway, since I have a bunch of these piled up, have some Hunter-Smoker sketches! A lot of long comics this time around, which is kind of weird. WELL WHATEVER.
Ugh this sketchbook is so annoying, everything scans weird and it's so hard to predict what'll get cut off or blurred out or oversharpened whatever. I can't wait to finish it and get a new one.

Very Hunter focused this time around, oddly enough.

Someone on Devart mentioned them eating at a Burger Tank AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT
as it is they're eating at a place called "Foody's" because I'm incredibly creative.

I always kind of liked this one, haha.

I remember basically outlining this scenario some other older post or something I forget BUT HERE HAVE IT ANYWAY
Along with the first Tank I've ever tried to draw seriously, haha. They can be tough.
This probably isn't clear but Charger's tiny thought balloon has a gorilla in it.

Anyway they instinctually turn to Charger to guidance, and she snaps to the job and so it goes. A rather risky plan but still a plan. In the future she'd probably avoid putting Hunter in danger like so, idk.

although he does have a point, she does resemble a hunter (I WONDER WHY THAT COULD BEEEE)
The fact Smoker couldn't get to her before Charger did kills Smoker, as a side note, but Charger was closer so what can you do.

This guy here is actually kitty_nakoji's, and you might have seen some sketches of him in here. Like a lot of people running around this city, I don't think he has a set name, although I usually call him Psychopro, or Psychopro Spitter or something (if he gets infected, he becomes a Spitter).

At some point in... I believe it's Death Toll? Well, in one of the campaigns in L4D1, you come across graffiti on a wall. Aha, I have a cap of it, but it basically goes
"i'm happier now
i can kill ANYBODY i like"
to which someone writes PHYSCO

Basically, this guy? He wrote that graffiti. Psychopro is a sociopath, someone who is enjoying the zombie apocalypse (perhaps even looked forward to it) because he's always wanted to torture/kill people, and now he has an excuse. After all, they're zombies now, so no one's going to call him on torturing them to death are they? Like it says, he's happier now that he can murder without any kind of repercussion. Not only that, but he's good at it, and very proud of the fact that he is. He particularly enjoys torturing Special Infected to death.
PSYCHOPRO IS NOT A GOOD PERSON, BASICALLY. He is also a huge douchebag, murdering aside, which we'll see in a moment. 8D

kitty_nakoji drew him in more detail here although I think his sweater thing is red now. ANYWAY Like I mentioned, he enjoys torturing Specials to death, mostly because he likes collecting trophies from them to prove he killed them. Thus he tears out Smoker tongues for his sleeves, has various teeth on his necklace, a Spitter scalp in one of his pouches I think, and has Witch claws he likes to kill people with. Also collected the Boomer Bile himself.
If I recall Psychopro sort of came about when me and kitty_nakoji were talking about that comic with the dude with the sentient arm-bandanas, I forget it's name. AND SOMEHOW HERE WE ARE TODAY

Also as mentioned above he is a huge douchebag. He's incredibly over-confident, arrogant, condescending, and smug. Almost everyone takes an immediate dislike to him, particularly Smoker and Hunter for obvious reasons. However, the more guns the better, so practicality wins out in this case.


I don't think all of these happened necessarily since I don't know if they'd put up with him that long but feel free to pick and choose which scenarios annoy you the most.
Many of these were drawn from people me or kitty_nakoji or jazaaboo have played with on public servers, haha (cough jojo cough). I'm a little disappointed i couldn't work IT SHOULDN'T TAKE THREE PEOPLE TO KILL A CHARGER in here. PERHAPS SOMEDAY

son you just crossed a line you won't cross again

Speaking of poor crazy Jockey, let's see what she's up to.

THINGS AREN'T GOING SO WELL song she's singing here because i have to TWIST EVERYTHING

Basically this whole time the four of them have been struggling along believing that CEDA/The Army will have a safe zone or something (well not Smoker since she's paranoid but whatever), and if they can find their way to an outpost or evac center they'll be okay. Jockey in particular I can see being very focused on that goal as being set in stone - of course they'll be okay, of course they'll find a rescue, of course they'll be picked up and it'll be over, of course this will all end someday.

SO finding out that the army outpost they were going for has been overrun, the people they were depending on to get them out are all dead or want them dead, shakes Jockey up quite a bit. While in the morning she'll be back to her faux-cheery self, for a moment the hopelessness of it all kind of reaches her. They can never go home again. Things will never be normal again.

OR this can also relate to them being Carriers, where they can never reintegrate into society again without infecting everyone around them. There's no going back. BUT ANYWAY

This is one of those moments I think only Hunter and Jockey could have. Smoker would be less than sympathetic, of course, and Charger is understanding but would try to be strong so that she could believe in her, or something like that. But Hunter will give her hugs and commiserate with her fear and doubt and anxiousness. They all understand each other in different ways, haha.

Heh, me and jazaaboo threw this idea around. Sort of their own variant on Whitaker, a guy in L4D2 who owns a gun store who asks you to get him some soda from the store in exchange for clearing a path for you. The four of the stumble into this guy's apartment while wandering a building and find his sizable sword collection. The guy has barricaded himself in though and refuses to come out, so they eventually help themselves to some of his swords and run off anyway.


There's nothing wrong with her, I'm not following

So hey, what if Charger wasn't overwhelmed at the gates of her zoo, but instead got sick much earlier, when David was still alive?

I actually didn't even finish this, it was too depressing. FEEL FREE TO IMAGINE HOW IT ENDS YOURSELF IF YOU WANT FOR SOME REASON
her wedding ring falls off her squiggly hand when she attacks him, so dramatic

Hunter gets into fights a lot, as I've mentioned a few times here and there. It's rare that Smoker's usually around for them though.

I wasn't sure what to do with that guy at first and then I decided he should sort of look like a Vulture from StarCraft because hearing all his lines in that voice seemed appropriate somehow. SO THERE YOU GO

She also loses fights on occasion, and this would be the first time Smoker's around for that. Hunter is not happy about it, as you can imagine. WOUNDED, BUT NOT AS BADLY AS HER PRIDE

You guys handle this sort of thing so well, really.
Smoker can't stand people trying to take care of her (finds it patronizing), or the idea that she'd need to be protected, thus her hostile reaction to it here. And Hunter can't stand losing, particularly losing when she was trying her best to protect someone so incredibly important to her, so she's incredibly angry as well and not quite sure how to express it.


It's hard to tell but Smoker's lighting a new cigarette with her old one there, and spent the night and most of the following days chainsmoking and worrying about Hunter. She's incredibly relieved to see her again when she finally shows up.

And so she tries to make it up to her. YOU GUYS ARE SO STUPID ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS SOMETIMES

Sadly Smoker did not know that Hunter in fact would be the death of her someday. This entire thing will probably end up in fic form at some point.

it's not a hard song to learn, haha

Smokers in game will run when their tongue breaks, and the image of Smoker limping off when her tongue broke stuck with me, so. Also wanted to draw Jockey killing somebody, haha. CRUNCH
I needed someone who'd try to come in close to her rather than just shoot Smoker from a distance, so Psychopro shows up once again, although he's really more of a loner I think. Griffin and Sparkles are not team players, as mentioned earlier.

This actually IS a fic I have written out, but I'm still tweaking it so. You'll see it eventually, hopefully.
Hunter seems to wake up to check on people a lot.

Charger, in contrast to Smoker and Hunter's firm belief that they'll survive and Jockey's detachment from their entire situation, is always realistic about their chances. She also won't lie to people if things are going badly, thus her response here. Hunter was definitely not expecting their pseudoleader to not believe they'll make it out of this alive and is fairly shaken up by it. Charger usually knows what she's talking about, but she can't be right about them all dying right? RIGHT?

But just cause Charger is realistic doesn't mean she'll give up that easily. WE'LL SEE THIS THROUGH TO THE END
Hunter was always curious about David but never found a chance to ask her, and then does so here and immediately regrets it. THIS IS SO DEPRESSING WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS D:

Hunter doesn't want to hear this. D: Trying to get back to joking about it a little.


I usually associate this song with PxL but eh this got stuck in my head.

Aspics weird me out, man.

not the ending any of them ever pictured for their lives, that's for sure

At least this is a little more related.

you guys that's not how it goes

illix threw out the idea of Hunter working at Costco and here we are, although this isn't set in stone or anything
Smoker mocked her about this for ages afterwards.

And finally some fluff, I guess when the two of them have moved in together or something.
The recipe Smoker mentions is here which I actually may try myself at some point.

I also wrote up an FST at delcat's request, which you can see here, along with these chibis I colored for it. SMOOTH TRANSITIONS BETWEEN SONGS, PFFFFT

Also did you know bbot wrote a fic about them? He did! It's right here in fact, this fanfic he wrote for my characters. Be sure to mention the fact he wrote fanfic to him at every opportunity, I know he'll really appreciate it.

art, there's a hunter spookin around here, giant sketchposts

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