Detective Conan: Name-Calling

May 09, 2008 23:50

Hattori was enjoying a lazy walk around town with Kazuha and blissfully zoning out to the familiar sound of her ranting.  Then the decidedly unfamiliar sound of his oldest friend calling him by his family name caught his ear.

“What was that?” he asked, baffled.


“What about him?”

Kazuha stamped her foot, which Hattori took to mean that she’d already said this more than once while he was zoning, and he’d completely missed it.  Oops.  Fortunately, he also knew that’d never stop her from saying it again, whether he asked or not.

“He called you ‘Hattori’ last night at the temple!  Don’t you think that’s…”  She trailed off, but Hattori mentally filled in the rest of the sentence.  “Odd.”  “Inappropriate.”  And, although Kazuha couldn’t know it, “just Kudo being Kudo.”

Hattori smiled.  Trust Kazuha to take all the madness that was the confrontation at the temple and decide to take offence that Kudo’d addressed him in the same way he always did.  “Anyway,” Hattori continued out loud, “far as I’m concerned, Kudo can call me whatever he wants.  We’re way past keepin’ score, me an’ him.”  Then he realized what he’d just said and whirled around to face Kazuha.  “But don’t you tell him…I…said…why are you giving me that look?”

Kazuha turned up the intensity on her patented you’re-being-an-idiot-again-Heiji look and punched him in the arm.  “I know that,” she said crossly.  “I wasn’t talking about Kudo, I was talking about Conan.  Are we on the same page now?”

“Right, right,” Hattori agreed easily.  “What was the question again?”

Kazuha threw in the metaphorical towel and stalked off, trailing a smirking Hattori behind her.

detective conan, fanfic

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