Google Images Meme

May 10, 2008 19:37

Ganked from 
purplecoyote, because it looked interesting.  Type your answers into Google images and pick an image off the first page.

1.  The age you will be on your next birthday.

2.  A place to which you'd like to travel.

Hey, I never said my answers were going to be interesting...

3.  Your favorite place

Zan's favorite place always has been and always will be the library.

4.  Your favorite object

Jigsaw puzzle.  I've got a bunch of them, and I'm putting my favorite together now, actually.

5.  Your favorite food


6.  Your favorite animal

What?  No one said it had to be a real animal.

7.  Your favorite color

8.  The town in which you were born

Montgomery, AL

9.  The town in which you live

Mobile, AL, which is a really beautiful town.  That's Bienville Square.

10.  The name of a past pet

This has absolutely nothing to do with the dog's name, it was just the only picture that came up that wasn't a naked or near-naked woman.

11.  The first name of a past love

*smiles*  No comment.

12.  Your nickname/screenname

Swear to god, it was the first thing on the page.  You type in my screenname and you get my journal, my flist and a bunch of interest lists.

13.  Your first name

I had to cheat a bit in order to get a picture that wasn't T&A.  *is mildly disgusted*

14.  Your middle name

15.  Your last name

*laughs*  I have a very boring name.

16.  A bad habit of yours

*grin*  I so love this picture.  I can think of a bunch of characters for whom that quote would make a fantastic icon.

17.  Your first job

This is what they tell you my job is when you hire on.

This is what my job actually is--without the blinking lights.

18.  Your grandmother's name

19.  Your major in college

This was the only picture I could find on the first page when I typed in "english" that made sense and didn't make me want to hurt someone.

And now that the meme gods are appeased, I need to get back to researching for a fic.  Later!


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