LJ != Tumblr... right?

Mar 02, 2011 20:12

I decided today that I'd spam my journal with a bunch of things that I like, the way one would on Tumblr or summat. Of course, by "spam" what I really mean is "put everything in one journal entry beneath a cut or three because I am considerate like that".

Oh, but first - yesterday tinediserp wrote me some Swe/Nor fanfic because she is wonderful. It's very ( Read more... )

frivolities, hetalia, friends, flailing, spam

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Comments 15

truffle March 3 2011, 04:18:09 UTC
Switzerland always seems like such a beautiful place. ♥

I keep coming back to them because I have such a fondness for them. And coming across old, cute fanarts that I'd saved helps me remember that.
This! It's one of my favorite things about saving fanart.


yuuago March 3 2011, 13:52:58 UTC
I want to go there so so so badly. *3*
Switzerland actually never registered on my radar as a pretty place (due to not knowing anything about it) until I started following some landscape-photo tumblrs and suddenly it's like WHOA MOUNTAINS AND FLOWERS HOLY SHIT.


nintendali March 3 2011, 06:24:16 UTC
SAVES THE LAST FANART 4EVER!!!!!!!!1!!!11!!!!ONE!111!!!!!!!1


yuuago March 3 2011, 13:53:16 UTC
Oh, you. :)a I thought you'd seen that one before!
Also, long time no see <3


nintendali March 3 2011, 15:31:19 UTC
No, I don't think I have seen that. I didn't know there was any art for them. Thanks for sharing! (I really liked the first 2, also. *saved*)

Ha, yeah, I know. One of these days I'll make an entry explaining why I'm not around much anymore.


yuuago March 4 2011, 01:32:34 UTC
In that case, here, have the other two fanarts that accompany the Est/Ice I posted:

... )


chinomi March 3 2011, 08:35:07 UTC
This post.
I like it.

If this were tumblr. I would click that heart... Thing...


/doesn't know how to tumblr


yuuago March 3 2011, 13:53:44 UTC

I don't know how to tumblr either, really. щ(◉Д◉щ) It's a mystery. So at least we match.


const_victoria March 3 2011, 13:22:51 UTC
Ohh, so many instant saves here. *A* The landscapes are amazing!

I've already gushed about the first DenNor art but the second is new for me and I love it to pieces. Especially their expressions - they are a bit... atypical but fit the situation really well. Almost leaves me with a feeling I've just peaked on something private, although G-rated. :)

The Baltic one is lovely too. It's not often that you see a fanart of them being together and brotherly. Ah, so you wrote about them? Because there is a shortage of fic as well, at least in my folders...

It's one of those pairings that I go through phases of liking and being frustrated by
Funny, because this pretty much describes my feelings towards Sweden/Finland.


yuuago March 3 2011, 14:02:07 UTC
If I ever find the link to that second fanartist's tegaki, I'll send it your way, because her stuff - as I've said - is just lovely. And she draws a ton of stuff with Den/Nor from what I remember.
The sense of privateness -- yes, that's it! It's one of the things that make me love that fanart so much. It's partly because I like to think that people, for the most part, are different (sometimes much different) when they are alone with someone they care about than when they are out in the public. And I tend to apply this thought to Norway especially (though the others to a degree too). It's something I try to incorporate into writing, sometimes, but it's a challenge to get down!

Anyway - as for the Baltics, yes, I've written about them. Er... but that was mostly when I first got into the fandom in early 2009, so my writing wasn't very good, and I wasn't as solid on anything at all as I am now. So most of the stuff I wrote with them isn't really worth reading. But I'm still happy with this one I wrote about the Baltic Way. IDK, I should ( ... )


const_victoria March 3 2011, 14:59:50 UTC
Same problem, I developed a habit of checking the artist's' gallery when I come across a fanart I like on pixiv but for some reason not on tegaki. >__> And it's a crying shame.
Yes, Norway definitely looks like that type of person! Some of the fanart with him being cosy/happy/emotional manages to convey that "caught in a moment" feeling well and those are usually my favorites.

Thank you! Looking forward to reading it. They do feel challenging - both because the way mangaka pictured their relationship makes for some complex dynamics, imo, and because of their rocky history (which I wish I knew better).

Hm, I'm quite the same way about those two pairings in terms of attachment. The thing is probably that while I like the idea of Sweden/Finland and their scenes together I don't really... get it, on personal level. The type of relationship Denmark and Norway seem to have is much easier for me to grasp. There are things about them I'm not happy with, but they are still understandable and don't grate on me much.


tinediserp March 4 2011, 22:07:25 UTC

Also: http://tinediserp.livejournal.com/17176.html

It's friends-locked.

You can't link it B)

If you would like porn this is porn.

I had other things to say but then I WAS AT THE TOP WHYYYY /sob


yuuago March 5 2011, 00:04:34 UTC
and because a lot of my friends like that pairing and I would've ended up linking them to it anyway.

I will read the sequel when I am no longer exhausted.



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