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Comments 15

maikyaera January 20 2011, 13:13:30 UTC
I had a dream involving you the night before last 8'D


yuuago January 20 2011, 17:39:47 UTC
What was involved in this dream, eh? :)a


maikyaera January 20 2011, 19:56:51 UTC
Uhhh, I don't really remember most of it but pretty much I'd been running from some sort of authority and I went to my uncle's (freaking ginormous [and wow that's actually a word according to firefox's spellcheck])house and on his front lawn there was a newspaper and I don't really remember what exactly it was but I guess someone was accusing you of something and you were quoted as saying "WHAT THE HELL?"

And that's all I remember :'D


tinediserp January 20 2011, 13:47:09 UTC
Ha man, I haven't caught you around on the meme, I was wondering how the work was going.


All I really have to say about your tl;dr is BUHYOO~ because, yes.

Snopes.com is your pal for urban legends.

Well. This comment's rather sucky. Eh.


yuuago January 20 2011, 17:36:58 UTC
YES. We haven't caught each other - and I doubt we will be, much. Because I'm on during the early evening, whereas you're usually around into dead hour, right? So yeahhhh.

And yes, letters, I say. I love writing letters to people. The paper kind, I mean. Though I've kind of slacked on doing it lately because I am a loser I've been busy. But whatever, man.

I find my tl;dr more like... embarrassing. Because even though it's not uncommon for me to get excited about things in this way, it's less usual for me to go on like this about it.

And thank you for recommending Snopes -- honestly I didn't even think of it. My brain is still stuck in the days when I'd go out and take every single cryptozoology-related book out of the library and read through each one. I was thinking "Goddamn, when am I going to find TIME for that," pffft. I guess I just haven't adjusted to this modern world of the intertubes yet. :)a


tinediserp January 20 2011, 23:28:33 UTC
Oh gosh okay so I can't see that icon without thinking that Norway is looking for Denmark's tiny hat whyyy.

Actually I think I talked to you as anon the other day, but I'm bad at keeping track of days so it could've been yesterday, could've been a week ago. Hm. If I am on in the early evening (which is rare) I'm anon. Livehour's too scary!

Would you write me a letter sometime?! Or actually I could write you a letter first if you want. Er...since I don't post personal stuff in my own LJ...it'd make me feel like less like a creeper that way, at least. Okay I've re-written that so many times and it still doesn't make sense bah!

Meh, it's your journal, you do wut u wan'.

Snopes is great! But I can't stay on it for long, I start getting super-paranoid if I'm inside. It sounds like you'll be on it for ages, though.

Your next intertubes pal: Google Books ;P


yuuago January 21 2011, 00:19:26 UTC
Livehour is scary, and frequently not as exciting as dead hour. :|a Too many people on the dance floor, that's why. Partly, anyway.

I could write you a letter sometime, yes! Though I don't know when I'll be able to. Or you could do for me, whichever. That would be wonderful <3 Though a lot of the stuff I write tends to be... rather mundane, ahaha.

I suspect that Snopes and I will be like other people and Tvtropes, man. I'll get sucked in like whoa.

Hey man, don't you ;p at me, I know I'm a bit of a luddite. (Though you know, I never really got into the whole "reading books online" thing. I just have so much trouble reading long stuff on a computer... it's why I don't read much fanfiction, partly)


minninen January 20 2011, 13:55:09 UTC
Gosh, I was just a few months old when that show you're talking about started airing.

Is it just me or did someone once say something about imagining you sounding like Kyon from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? Or compared you to him in some other manner? Because that "being in to weird stuff" part totally reminded me of him, haha.

Good to hear that the work has started well!


yuuago January 20 2011, 17:59:58 UTC
... gdi sissy, you saying that makes me feel really really old now. Geeze. :c

And hmm, now that you mention it, I think someone did say that, yeah. WELL. Maybe that person wasn't too far off. <3


minninen January 20 2011, 18:40:44 UTC
Don't worry, some of my classmates are older than you! There's one animation student who's 31 or something.

The first episode opens with his inner monologue about how he never really believed in Santa Claus but how he watched a lot of TV shows about aliens and ESP and other weird stuff and sorta believed/wanted to believe in them.


yuuago January 20 2011, 22:58:29 UTC
... Holy shit, that does sound like me. :|a Like, exactly like me. Weird, man.


noonish January 20 2011, 19:36:38 UTC
yuu r moe


yuuago January 20 2011, 22:58:40 UTC
I am not.


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