A spine would be nice.

Mar 18, 2010 00:55

New fic up; Palimpsest (Swe/Fin, short).
Also, LJ has been screwy lately, so if I haven't responded to something -- that would be why. Sorry, y'all.

The last few days have been unproductive as hell. Aside from going to class, housekeeping, and a bit of writing - which I should not be doing - I've mostly been lazing around. I wonder how long I can ( Read more... )

medical issues, writing, travel, family, life

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Comments 18

noonish March 18 2010, 07:26:12 UTC
yaaaay yuu

ilu bro


yuuago March 18 2010, 07:29:07 UTC
You seem in an unusually good mood t'night, dear. What's up with that? Aside from pokemon, that is.


noonish March 18 2010, 16:25:18 UTC
well i ditched art and we're just watching an 映画 (movie) in Japanese and my Gastly is the CUTEST pokemon ever and i get to see my mom & family tomorrow and i'll be able to use our home wireless with pokemon so i'm really excited!

as my new default icon makes me smile.


noonish March 18 2010, 16:29:55 UTC
also i will be sending you the prettiest postcard i can find because i never sent you a christmas card 'cause i suck


chikotori March 18 2010, 07:39:15 UTC
learn to write with your right hand! /o/


yuuago March 18 2010, 07:40:43 UTC
Pfft. If only it was that easy.

Maybe I'll write you a letter with my right hand, and then you shall see ~in person~ why I've given up.


chikotori March 18 2010, 07:55:46 UTC
If millions of people around the world can do it, so can you!

I'm game if you are :D haha, I don't even know how to hold the pen right with my left hand.


yuuago March 18 2010, 07:56:52 UTC

I don't even know man. My right is useless for like... everything. Even holding stuff. WEAK. I suck.


kainoliero March 18 2010, 10:26:22 UTC
Hm. I've had similar trouble since late autumn last year. First my elbow started to hurt and then one day my whole right arm suddenly went numb. Doctor tried to put me in a MRI scan but being claustrophobic I've been putting that aside... -.-;;; I wish I could just make myself go in it but I went to see the thing and... no. There's no way I'll be able to stay absolutely still in that machine. By this I mean I'd be kicking and wailing and screaming the place down. ;^;

At least the numbness went away, and then my arm got better. Well, until the day before yesterday. Now it's aching again aaaaaa!

PS Do write more Su/Fin!


yuuago March 18 2010, 16:10:24 UTC
Oh man, that's awful. D: I hope you'll be able to find some solution - or that it'll fix itself (again).

With me, we have no idea what is going on - we thought it was ordinary nerve damage and that it would heal in time, but it's been three months, and nothing. So frustrating.

RE: Su/Fin, no worries, I will! I've been getting ideas that I really like. (Now the question is only when I will manage to be able to actually do it....)


harosketch March 18 2010, 13:39:50 UTC
Awww, you're having so many tough things going your way at the moment... *hug* I hope it gets better for you.


yuuago March 18 2010, 16:11:47 UTC
I think life just decided to kick my ass this month. Let's hope the next will be better, haha. Thank you dear. <3


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