ES21 ficlet

Aug 07, 2006 23:12

Title: Hummingbird
Fandom: Eyeshield 21
Characters: (mild) Takami Ichirou/Wakana Koharu
Rating: G
Disclaimer: ES21 (c) creators. Not mine.
A/N: A desperate attempt to write a ficlet about two characters who are both absolutely sweet while waiting for my download to finish. I'm going to fall face first into my desk tomorrow at uni...Details about ( Read more... )

es21, fanfic

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Comments 11

iyori August 8 2006, 03:47:39 UTC
First of all i must apologise because when it comes to Takami, he has been severely OTPed with dear Sakuraba in my mind XDDDDD;;;;

That aside, this is such a sweet little fic, and although Wakana doesn't appear quite enough for me to take notice of her, i love how you give all these little insights into the time and effort that managers pour into their team. Behind-the-scenes sweat and tears that most never see.

When you mentioned hibiscus i thought of Malaysia 8D;;


yuncyn August 8 2006, 10:49:37 UTC
To me, Wakana seems to be the very sweet, but rather small and overshadowed (as are most of the managers <<;;) girl who somehow is capable enough to take care of her the Ojyo boys. XDDD

Hee~ toss in a lil' M'sian pride there! 8DD If I'm not mistaken though, hibiscus can grow in Okinawa. I think. Either that or Takami's given her one before Wakana's seen it in books before. *grins* Glad you liked it~! ^^ *huggles*


slay_x August 8 2006, 10:11:06 UTC
I must say this is a nice and sweet piece of writing. Brief yet it has enough description to make it a nice read. Tamaki and Wakana is not a common pairing...for me at least, but you make them a credible OTP in your piece. Good stuff! Hope to see more from you. (Hints at *ahem*HiruMamo*ahem*) XDXD



yuncyn August 8 2006, 10:53:38 UTC
Believe me, if I could, I WOULD write HiruMamo. However, that would entail an abundance of cursing which I may not be able to write unless I throw in asterisks or substitute the f-ings with "damn". Which personally just takes away the Hiruma impact. ^^;;; In the meantime though, my memories has a few HiruMamo fics under "Fanfiction" if you wanna check em' out. 8DD

However if the inspiration strikes, definitely will start typing pronto. After all, HiruMamo = ♥♥♥

And thanks for the comment~~ ^^


evo_spider August 8 2006, 22:46:50 UTC
Very sweet and since we don't know that much about Wakana, I feel that your presentation of her was legitimate and how I feel she might be. This was truly very good and the pairing was delightfully rare and a much needed one for this community. Good job. :)


yuncyn August 9 2006, 15:29:50 UTC
^__^ Thank you~!


piratelicker August 9 2006, 02:55:26 UTC
Takami x Wakana fic? Excuse me while I go EEEEEEEEEE LOLZ

One of my small guilty pleasures. It was doujinshi that made me love them... anyway, I don't think this fic failed. You managed to get the point across eventho there's not much 'action' going on *ooh what kinda of action huh?* Not that it's a bad thing. It's a nice lil introspective on the stuff that happens behind the scenes of football games and stadiums. Good job.


yuncyn August 9 2006, 15:25:09 UTC
Hehe~ My love for the pairing started from es21_het to be honest. Someone mentioned a Takami/Wakana doujinshi and I thought, "hey, they DO look good together." 8D

Thank you~ I'm not that proficient with action scenes, truthfully so I tend to gravitate towards behind the scenes and uh... non action stuff. ^^;;;

Thanks again for commenting~ ^__^


aya_yume August 14 2006, 15:40:03 UTC
My second favourite couple right after HiruMamo~ <3 They don't seem to get much of attention from ES 21 fans, which means they don't have much of a fanbase... T__T

Anyway, I think it's alright. A bit short though... .__. But quite descriptive especially the hummingbird part. XD

Do write more on TakaWaka~ -^__^-



yuncyn August 16 2006, 09:08:02 UTC
Maa... I wasn't so sure of my footing on ES21 fanfic grounds so I kinda hoped a short attempt would be the first step. ^^;; Thank you for your encouragement~!


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