ES21 ficlet

Aug 07, 2006 23:12

Title: Hummingbird
Fandom: Eyeshield 21
Characters: (mild) Takami Ichirou/Wakana Koharu
Rating: G
Disclaimer: ES21 (c) creators. Not mine.
A/N: A desperate attempt to write a ficlet about two characters who are both absolutely sweet while waiting for my download to finish. I'm going to fall face first into my desk tomorrow at uni...

Details about the Ojyo White Knights manner of training and their general way of life may not be correct. Be told.



It didn’t happen often but there were afternoons when Wakana Koharu didn’t have to stay on the field, keeping her pencil busy taking down times and notes and her hands busy by picking up and putting away equipment.

There were times when she sat in the clubroom, near the end of practice, writing out summaries of past weeks’ training sessions and personal information for Coach or anyone who needed them - improvements, times, information that required an hour or so of undivided attention to the papers and pen before her. It never took her as long as the team suspected (if they noticed at all that their manager was missing) and she could doodle a little before the loud dismissal of Coach Shouji brought her scurrying out again with water and towels and bandages.

It was in this kind of moment that he walked in and looking around, spotted her at the table. Her head was bent, hand moving industriously and eyes focused on the paper and the pencil. He watched for a half a minute before clearing his throat a little.

Now she jumped, looked up, eyes went wide. “Takami-san…! I’m sorry, do you need anything?”

The captain shook his head smilingly. “It’s alright, Wakana-kun. The team is still practicing. Came in to get some water…” He smiled a little more at her hesitant posture and waved his hand - ‘calm down’.

As he took the water bottle into his hand, he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to the paper she was sitting in front of.

“…I didn’t know you could draw so well, Wakana-kun.”

“E, eh?” She looked down, and blushed. “I’m sorry, I know I should be starting on the new reports-”

Takami cut off her potential rapid-fire apologies with another wave of his hand. “Did you take lessons before?”

She shook her head, still red in the face. “…I don’t think I do so well really…”

“On the contrary,” commented Takami, coming closer to look at the drawings better since Wakana hadn’t objected too loudly to him noticing. “That looks like the beginnings of a very realistic hummingbird.”

Indeed, the head and half of a little feathered body had already taken shape. The bright eyes of the bird looked up from the white sheet, surrounded by many tones made by graphite lead. Hatch crossings and lines came together to shape the textures of feathers. A long delicate beak poked into a sketched hibiscus.

Takami marveled at the detail. He himself had never been too good but not too shabby either when it came to art. Just that there were a lot more things he could do better.

It was clear though that their manager had hidden talents…much like a hummingbird who hid copious amounts of strength within its tiny self. Wings that beat so quickly you couldn’t see the movements were likened to her help around the field - quick, quiet and efficient. A constant will to keep hovering to get to its goal, the same as her tireless efforts to take care of the team’s needs, both on and off field. Most mistook her small size for weakness… the ones who weren’t on the football team at least.

Really, thought the captain, what other team was lucky to have their very own hummingbird?

He raised his eyes from his ponderings to meet her curious ones.

“…I’m sorry for bothering you, Wakana-kun. I’ll go back to practice.” He quirked a smile after a thought. “I’d like to see it finished though.”

She blinked and eventually returned the genuine smile of the Ojyo White Knight’s captain, maybe exchanging an understanding. “I’ll make sure I do… after practice.” Getting to her feet, she picked up a tray of water bottles and looked expectantly at him.

Chuckling a little, Takami nodded. “Thank you, Wakana-kun.”

She was a step behind him when they emerged from the clubroom, Wakana walking a little taller, Takami’s smile a little wider.


Did I mention I might have failed? And it's a really quite desperate attempt? 8D;;;;

es21, fanfic

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