I am far too easily distracted.

Oct 11, 2007 14:48

Happily playing along with oldromantic:

Comment on this post. I will choose seven userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

Memes are even more fun when they involve oogling John Krasinski, Jason Dohring, Johnny Depp, and John Barrowman )

potc, meme, doctor who, the office, veronica mars, mythbusters, pushing daisies, torchwood

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Comments 2

oldromantic October 12 2007, 13:39:05 UTC
Mythbusters is my educational TV crack. This icon is mostly for me because every time I read it, I imagine the usually stoic Mythbusters co-host, Jamie, crouching in a field with a hilariously silent duck in his lap, urging it to quack for the sake of science.

*laughs hysterically* I can SO imagine Jamie doing that!! Hahaha!

Thanks for participating - that was educational! :P



(The comment has been removed)

yumytaffy November 29 2007, 09:55:45 UTC
In a fit of boredom (and possibly hormones), my sister and I once tried to name all of the actors whose name begins with a J who we adore. We found that most of them are named John or Jason: John Krasinski, John Barrowman, John(ny) Depp, Jason Dohring, Jason Bateman, Jason Mraz...and paper writing has hurt my brain, so I can't come up with any more at the moment.

Oh, Mythbusters. They make my inner science geek seem cool. And I remember that ep with the tree canon! I shouldn't have been surprised they did that with Jamie liking big booms and all.


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