I am far too easily distracted.

Oct 11, 2007 14:48

Happily playing along with oldromantic:

Comment on this post. I will choose seven userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

One of my sillier icons I keep around of John Krasinski and Rainn Wilson from The Office taking part in an obviously planned but still hilarious dance-off on The Ellen Degeneres Show. I adore those two more than I do a basket of puppies. I use this in relation to anything silly and Office-related.

This one's an icon from one of the LJ comms I belong to. I use it when making a comment about a show for which I don't have a related icon. Also, I adore TV. It bears expressing through iconage.

The reason why I have this icon is twofold:
1) Outside of LJ (because sarcasm and irony can be easily misread on paper/screen), I'm known to often make--for lack of better word--racial jokes. Never malicious, mind you; they're always tongue-in-cheek. It's the type of offensive-only-if-you-take-it-that-way humor that people from my high school seem to have, only made stronger by my being an Asian American Studies major, where Asian jokes run rampant because we focus so much on stereotypes; and
2) The image of Jim looking bewildered in the background as Dwight wanders in the foreground with a card labeled "Asian" on his forehead is hysterical.

I've adored Captain Jack Sparrow since I first saw the first PotC. Imagine my surprise when I started watching Doctor Who, and there was another hotter-than-Hades Captain Jack (this one with the surname Harkness), who ultimately got a spin-off with Torchwood. This icon's a new one, so I haven't yet used it. I imagine I'll use it when I feel like attaching some random pretty to a comment.

Mythbusters is my educational TV crack. This icon is mostly for me because every time I read it, I imagine the usually stoic Mythbusters co-host, Jamie, crouching in a field with a hilariously silent duck in his lap, urging it to quack for the sake of science.

I adore this scene because it sweetly sums up Veronica and Logan's relationship: they're both strong, emotionally screwed-up personalities who can argue like there's no tomorrow. At the end of the day, though, Logan is the one person around whom Veronica can let down her emotional barriers, he'll always be there to catch her, and vice versa. And yeah, I'll admit it: I use this icon when I'm feeling emo.

Oh, Pushing Daisies, my new TV love. This show is almost overwhelmingly adorable and visually stunning, so it was difficult to pick an icon for it. This icon from the "Pie-lette" (because there's a pie restaurant in the show; get it?!) shows young Ned and Charlotte (a.k.a. Chuck) in a cemetery during their respective parents' funerals, approaching each other for their first and last kiss.

I adore the entire composition of this icon. The symmetry of the image reflects their shared feelings of grief and curiosity. The rich, bright colors symbolize life, a new beginning, despite taking place in a land of endings. And then there is the Polaroid-type frame, which makes it seem as though this is a moment captured on film to later be displayed in a family album, which raises the discussion of voyerism versus posterity, but this meme is getting long enough, so I'll stop there. (Can you tell I'm writing this during an analytic film class?)

That was fun. Now back to class I go.

potc, meme, doctor who, the office, veronica mars, mythbusters, pushing daisies, torchwood

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