Love songs suck and fairy tales aren’t true, and happy ending Hollywood is not for me and you

Mar 20, 2005 01:44

I’m resorting to bullet points ‘cause they’re oh-so-fun:

  • Finished two-count em’ two-finals on Friday. Stressed out all of Thursday to the point of my head feeling like it was going to explode from the amount of information it was trying to absorb, but in the end, I walked out of both of the finals feeling like I kicked a good amount of ass. * ( Read more... )

reading, the time traveler's wife, michael vartan, school, fic

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Comments 6

actionvaughn March 20 2005, 02:27:04 UTC
Crossing my fingers for you about the finals! And sigh.. I love To Kill a Mockingbird much more than I should.. =) No problemo about the bullet points too and Semagic! C'mon! All you gotta do is type stuff, pressing enter once after each point, highlighting and pressing the bullet button! Easy.. =P (I have no clue why I'm pushing Semagic to everyone either..) And yeeeess.. You're falling into the trap of the bullets too.. =P

I have Camino Palmero and I'd be happy to burn you a copy and send it to you if you want.. Just let me know and IM me. =D

Huh.. Fic..? What fic?

*twiddles fingers* *whistles*


yumytaffy March 20 2005, 02:34:49 UTC
I'd ask why you're up so late, but then I'd have to answer why I'm up so late, so I won't. ;)

Crossing my fingers for you about the finals!
Awww, thanks! That's sweet of you to say. And I'll need that luck too 'cause bio? Is so not fun.

Actually, if it's not too much trouble, I was just going to ask for you to upload it onto to save on postage and such. I'm flattered you offered, though, so thank you!

Huh.. Fic..? What fic?
You know what fic I'm talking about, young lady! I sent both the first and second part of my multi-parter to xchatnoirx because she sent me fic! =P


actionvaughn March 20 2005, 02:53:17 UTC
I'd ask why you're up so late, but then I'd have to answer why I'm up so late, so I won't. ;)

Cause I'm talking to you on AIM right now, that's why silly. =P

And I don't mind doing it but if that's the way you want it sent, I really can't help you there since I'm on dial-up and my poor modem would cry a lot.. >.<

You know what fic I'm talking about, young lady!

Uh.. *backs away* =)


milo04 March 20 2005, 08:57:17 UTC
I’ll fully admit to being a pompous bitch right now, but this fic thread at AllAlias? Is so teenybopper-ish that it’s bordering on unreal. I started off reading it as highly amused but ended up being completely disturbed because 1) if I read correctly (which I’m not sure I did because that “fic” is not exactly the clearest thing ever written), Syd and Vaughn have sex while she is dying from a bullet to the leg

Ewwwww... lol, that is so disturbing :S

Good luck with your finals! I have mine in a couple of weeks :( Just finished midterms last week, ick!


yumytaffy March 20 2005, 12:40:02 UTC
You think my description is disturbing? Try reading the rest of the thread. It frightens me how proud everyone is of that story. =X

Good luck with your finals! I have mine in a couple of weeks :( Just finished midterms last week, ick!
Don't you just love how as soon as you're done with midterms, it's finals time? Thanks for the luck, though. I'll need it. Good luck to you, too! =)


(The comment has been removed)

yumytaffy March 20 2005, 18:33:24 UTC
Hey now. You're not allowed to tell people to go read that fic!! It's absolutely horrendous.
*plugs ears and hums to herself* Not listening! That fic is great, and you know it. Don't make me shout it from the rooftops 'cause you know I will. =P

And you know I'm rewriting it... and writing a sequel... and yes I owe you fic.... and... and... =/ What have I got myself into?
I have the most evil grin on my face right now. =P

That's not called being a pompous bitch... that's called worrying for the future of the world.
Yes. We have much to worry about. =/


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