Love songs suck and fairy tales aren’t true, and happy ending Hollywood is not for me and you

Mar 20, 2005 01:44

I’m resorting to bullet points ‘cause they’re oh-so-fun:

  • Finished two-count em’ two-finals on Friday. Stressed out all of Thursday to the point of my head feeling like it was going to explode from the amount of information it was trying to absorb, but in the end, I walked out of both of the finals feeling like I kicked a good amount of ass. *knocks on wood* Here’s to hoping my grades reflect that feel-good feeling.
  • Used the finals as an excuse to go on a gift card shopping spree (read: using all those gift cards I got for my birthday and Christmas) today. Many thanks go to my cousins for giving me the opportunity to have to spend only $3 on what should’ve cost me a small fortune in DVD’s and books. Among other things, I bought S1 Arrested Development because I haven’t seen most of it, a book called The Traveler’s Wife that caught my eye at Barnes & Noble, and To Kill A Mockingbird because I heart that book. Can’t wait till spring break so I can watch/read the things I bought.
  • Finally saw The Incredibles tonight, and I loved it as much, if not more, than everyone said I would. As I watched the special features, I couldn’t help but feel a little pride for Michael Giacchino because he did a great job. I was kind of miffed that there was absolutely no mention of Alias or any of his previous music credits, though. In any case, both the music and movie were great.
  • *sings* xchatnoirx owes me fic! *mentally does a Marshall dance* Oh, and everyone needs to read “Taxicab Confessions” despite chatnoir’s completely wrong opinion that it isn’t amazing. So go. Read it. Then go to her LJ to bug her to write a sequel.
  • Come to think of it, actionvaughn owes me fic, too. Come on, guys! I’m the last person who should share fic, and two actual good authors won’t? What’s the world coming to?! =O
  • Michael Vartan on World Poker Tour on Sunday with Malucci from ER and Christopher from Gilmore Girls. Yay!
  • One final on Wednesday to go, but it’s the mother of all finals: bio. I have a total of six inches of note cards to study from the last two midterms. Add to that the note cards I’ll have to make for the last couple weeks of lecture and the note cards I didn’t make for the first midterm. All that adds up to is one major headache and waaaaay too much information for a person to retain.
  • I’ll fully admit to being a pompous bitch right now, but this fic thread at AllAlias? Is so teenybopper-ish that it’s bordering on unreal. I started off reading it as highly amused but ended up being completely disturbed because 1) if I read correctly (which I’m not sure I did because that “fic” is not exactly the clearest thing ever written), Syd and Vaughn have sex while she is dying from a bullet to the leg; 2) these are the people who are starting to migrate to SD-1; and 3) these people are also the future of the world. This thread puts me and my badfic to shame. Okay, thus endeth my arrogant moment of the day.
  • To anyone who has The Calling’s CD Camino Palmero: can you share pwease? Because I recently realized that I lost my copy, and I have an odd urge to listen to it. I’ll gladly trade other music for it. =)
  • BTW, big thanks to Julina for answering that question in her LJ about bullet points and inadvertently teaching me how to properly do them, too. These bullet points are much more organized than the ones I usually use (although I use a LJ client and, for some reason, never thought to use it to find out how to do bullet points). ;)
I should probably get to sleep now because I have to get up early for church because it’s Palm Sunday. Usually I wouldn’t have to get up so early, but it’s going to be crowded tomorrow because it seems as though the only times a year people go to church are Palm Sunday, Easter, and Christmas. *shrugs* Whatever. Happy Sunday, everyone!

reading, the time traveler's wife, michael vartan, school, fic

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