This post is brought to you by 4 hours of sleep and lots of caffeinated mints

Nov 19, 2010 18:07

First off, caffeinated mints exist. I know this because I have some in my purse, and I've been popping them like Tic Tacs since I got into the office. Secondly, the cause of my current sleep depravation is one Harry Potter and his angsty friends (and enemies). And yes, that movie was kind of worth my current state of listlessness and general ( Read more... )

the kids, craig ferguson, doctor who, harry potter

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Comments 2

littlehands November 20 2010, 02:28:06 UTC
I just love you, you know that right?

I spend so much time wishing you were closer and we could actually hang out. Like tonight when I was watching Bones and I said to myself "Must tweet Roda!".



yumytaffy November 20 2010, 08:39:21 UTC
Aw, I adore you, too, lovely! *HUG* And I enjoy your random fangirl Tweets. They make my day. =) Maybe one day we should do a simultaneous watch of an ep of something over Gchat.


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