This post is brought to you by 4 hours of sleep and lots of caffeinated mints

Nov 19, 2010 18:07

First off, caffeinated mints exist. I know this because I have some in my purse, and I've been popping them like Tic Tacs since I got into the office. Secondly, the cause of my current sleep depravation is one Harry Potter and his angsty friends (and enemies). And yes, that movie was kind of worth my current state of listlessness and general disagreeable...ness. Admittedly, I didn't understand a good portion of what was going on because I both didn't read the books and didn't remember the last movie. I figured it out, though. I'm a smart cookie like that.

The movie was exciting and dark and looked gorgeous. The story moved well and didn't feel nearly as long as the two and a half hours it actually was. Then there was that now-infamous scene that will remain nameless that I, too, found the slightest bit uncomfortably awkward. At the same time, it makes sense that, as the kids get older, the stories should be a little more adult.

Then there was the adventure we had before the movie itself, wherein AMC was super nice and just let everyone into the theaters because it was cold outside. We waited it out for two hours in a room full of drama kids in Harry Potter outfits who sat in the area in front of the screen, acting out scenes from the movies or playing Charades or whatever the hell it was they were doing.

I'm aware that I'm sort of rambling right now. Sleep deprived posting is no better than drunk posting. I'm pretty sure the Mythbusters proved the driving equivalent of this. Or something. I think I missed the end of that episode.

OMG, I'm so tired, I don't even know what I'm saying.

Anyway, tomorrow is my friends' and mine annual Thanksgiving with the Kids. It's our 10th year. 10 years, guys. You'd think we would've perfected this event by now, but no. Every year, less people are able to come, and it always seems to fall apart towards the end before throwing itself back together at the eleventh hour. Still, it's always worth it in the end. At least, that's what I'm telling myself to get through this round of last-minute changes.

Sweet jeebus. My brain is not functioning well enough to handle this right now.

Aaaaaaaand [insert transition here] more Geoff Peterson and Dalek Comedy Hour gif just for funsies:

the kids, craig ferguson, doctor who, harry potter

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