Gratuitous Icon Post

Nov 11, 2010 22:35

Remember the days when we had GIPs? This here is one of them. Yep, this post is built around this adorably silly icon of one Andrew Garfield. No, I haven't just heard about the Spider-Man reboot casting news--and we'll ignore the word "reboot," too. I did, however, finally see Social NetworkAs one of the last people who has seen it, there's not ( Read more... )

scott pilgrim, andrew garfield, doctor who, social network, doug benson, bo burnham, randomness

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Comments 3

darlingsaila November 13 2010, 04:09:25 UTC
I still have not seen The Social Network, so don't feel bad. I think I'll wait for DVD, or HBO is more like it. lol

Just for the record, when the girls start swooning over him when he's the new Spider-Man, Doctor Who fans get first dibs

Actually, you're going to have to come after the Twilight fangirls for claiming first dibs over Andrew. He's one of Rob's best friends and has been on our radar for AGES. lol There's already been LJ communities/tumblrs/twitters/etc dedicated to the Brit Pack/British Hobo Collective as we call them. Plus, he and his girlfriend already have a name amalgamation: Shanndrew. lol


yumytaffy November 13 2010, 05:23:15 UTC
Social Network is actually quite good. It's worth seeing it in one of those $2 theaters, at least.

Actually, you're going to have to come after the Twilight fangirls for claiming first dibs over Andrew. He's one of Rob's best friends and has been on our radar for AGES.
First you say the Twilight fangirls have dibs. Then, you say he has a girlfriend? (And my research says it's the chick from Raising Hope? The hell? ...Actually, no, I kind of like her, so whatever.) Why you gotta bring a girl down like that?

BTW, "British Hobo Collective" is amazing. Are there any other dashing, yet questionably groomed, young Brits in it?


darlingsaila November 13 2010, 05:36:07 UTC
I really have to get out more and see movies. LoL I usually only go to the theatres to see the HP and Twilight movies anymore. Sad. I missed Inception, too. And Avatar. lol

LOL Sorry. The truth hurts, yo. But I do like his girl, Shannon. I stood next to both of them when I went to see one of the BHC play in L.A. one night. They're extremely adorbs with each other. Shannon was on an episode of Psych, and is Katy Perry's BFF. lol

Yes, the BHC has other dashing, yet questionably groomed/dressed Brits in it, as they all favour plaid and beanies. The BHC: Robert Pattinson, Tom Sturridge, Andrew Garfield, Sam Bradley, Bobby Long, Marcus Foster, Johnny Flynn, Eddie Redmayne, Laura Marling, and Lizzy Pattinson. Kristen Stewart, Shannon Woodward, and Carey Mulligan are also Brit Pack members since they're dating dashing British boys. Carey is British, but only recently started dating one of our hobos.


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