Remember the days when we had GIPs? This here is one of them. Yep, this post is built around this adorably silly icon of one Andrew Garfield. No, I haven't just heard about the Spider-Man reboot casting news--and we'll ignore the word "reboot," too. I did, however, finally see Social Network.
As one of the last people who has seen it, there's not much I can say that hasn't already been said. The script was astounding, it was visually stunning, and the acting was mostly fantastic. (Sorry, Timberlake. You can't be good at everything you do. I'll meet you back at SNL.)
Then there was Andrew Garfield, whose character my sister says was supposed to be ignored by women. Personally, I didn't get that, though I probably just glossed over that in my preoccupation with swooning over him. I didn't realize until the night before I saw Social Network that he was in S3 Doctor Who in those damn Daleks in Manhattan episodes. In the mess of penis head Daleks (who at least weren't rainbow colored yet), pig people, and Martha's dreamy "Why won't the Doctor love me?!" eyes, Andrew Garfield's Frank was pretty much
the only bright spot there.
Also, he's quite a delightful talk show guest, as evidenced in his
recent appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Just for the record, when the girls start swooning over him when he's the new Spider-Man, Doctor Who fans get first dibs.
This Saturday will be action-packed fun beginning with
Bo Burnham at the Music Box. Then, a midnight screening of Scott Pilgrim at the New Beverly Cinema, followed by a Q&A with Edgar Wright and Doug Benson. I hear there might even be a round of the Leonard Maltin Game. I'll be there with my Sex Bob-Omb shirt and large, eye-catching nametag. I'm also aware that everything I've just said makes no sense to anyone who doesn't listen to the Doug Loves Movies podcast, to which I respond: Go listen to
Doug Loves Movies . It's one of the best podcasts out there, especially if you love laughing, movies, and people laughing at movies.