Is that your Sonic Screwdriver, or are you just happy to see me?

Nov 18, 2010 20:26

In a couple of hours, I'll be heading out for a midnight screening of HP7. I'll be the first to admit I'm not the most devoted of Harry Potter fans. I haven't read the books, though I've lost track of the number of people who have asked me, "You haven't read the books? Really? Are you sure?" Yes, I'm sure. Maybe I'll read them one day. For now, I'm sticking to the movies--the awesome, awesome movies.

I'd planned to write an LJ entry about seeing Bo Burnham (the best comic you've never heard of; I suggest you watch this now) and going to the Scott Pilgrim screening with one Mr. Edgar Wright and most of the cast (great screening or greatest screening?), but I've just been informed that we should probably get our asses in line for HP7, like, yesterday. Instead, I'll cut this entry down to a short squee about the Doctor Who ep of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, also known in my head as The Geoff Peterson and Dalek Comedy Hour.

Craig Ferguson and Chris Hardwick's collective genuine excitement over having Matt Smith and a Dalek on the show was so damn adorable. It was just icing on the cake that Matt Smith was a lovely guest who also seemed genuinely excited to be there. Credit goes to CBS for allowing Craig to devote an entire hour to a TV show about 2% of the US watches. Also, this happened:

Next season, there must be an Odd Couple-esque sitcom about the Dalek and Geoff Peterson as roommates. Craig can be the landlord. If we willed the universe to get Matt Smith on the Nerdist podcast, we can will this to happen.

scott pilgrim, craig ferguson, doctor who, bo burnham

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