Fandom Nominations for Yuletide 2009 Are Now Open!

Oct 13, 2009 18:17

Shameless plug: The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) is currently having a membership drive (Donate Here!), and we actively encourage support! The OTW is of great interest for Yuletide, as eventually we will be moving under the overall umbrella of the Archive of Our Own (AO3).

(And astolat would like to point out that extra-special donors can get shiny promotional tchotchkes this year, see above OTW site link)

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...

To nominate fandoms for Yuletide 2009, please go to the nomination form! Also please read very carefully. If you're an old Yuletide hand, this should all be familiar.

FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! Nominations will remain open through 8:59 pm US Eastern time on Tuesday, October 20th.

Only fandoms nominated now will be available for choosing during the sign-up process. You can nominate up to six fandoms, either by selecting from the pull-down menu, or entering a new fandom name in a free text box on a separate line. All fandom names must start with an alphanumeric character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).

The form will let you know if a fandom you submit has already been ruled non-obscure. Please do NOT email us asking about specific fandoms that come up as ineligible.

If you hit submit on the character-submission page and the form complains that you've deleted characters from that fandom, it means that someone else added characters for one of your fandoms while you were making your choices. This is easily solvable with a refresh and re-entering any changes.

If you make a mistake or want to change your mind about the fandoms you choose, all you have to do is fill out the nomination form again, using exactly the same name and email.

NOTE: fandoms that were previously listed as: [title aka title] (generally foreign language titles) have been limited to the first title, presumed to be the primary one. The length of some of the fandom titles were causing problems with the forms. Please do not ask to have the titles as they now stand changed. For a fandom with multiple possible titles, please pick the most known, rather than using an "aka" to list multiple titles, as in the past.

If you see duplicated fandoms or other errors/issues with fandom titles or characters, or you see a nominated fandom that you feel is not rare, please comment to an Admin post or send a note to yuletide at yuletidetreasure dot org.

yuletide 2009, nominations

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