I know, I'm mad. I have to be.
I have a few friends who wait until the letters go up every year and trawl them, wanting to write stories for Yuletide even though they don't sign up to participate. I myself go through and pick things I would love to see written, if not things I could actually write myself.
Because isn't half the fun looking at prompts and wondering if a story is going to show up XMAS day for it?
Anyway. For ease of stalking, I may have spent tonight making lists of Yuletide letters by theme. I'll admit, I only picked the ones that interested me specifically at the time (though I'll likely go through and make more lists later). Also I may have missed things. This happens, I hear. However, if anyone else wants to go through and make a list of all the (ie) Carnivale prompts and throw it under the HBO header, etc, feel free!
How this works. I'm going to put in a bunch of top level posts. Beneath those people can list all of the yuletide letters so far for one show or one genre. Love space opera? Go for it! Think DC comics are the way to go and want to see all the fic you can? GO WILD. Really want to make sure all the RPF-Glee prompts are somewhere? Have at it.
I'm going to put up the following top level categories, feel free to comment to them with lists, or corrections to my lists, or add categories if I miss some
Books - Young Adult
Books - Fiction
UK Telly
US Telly - Network (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX)
US Telly - HBO
US Telly - other networks
Vin Diesel (shh, it's my list, I can do it)
RPF - TV/Movies
RPF - Music
RPF - other
Comics - Marvel
Comics - DC
Comics - Other
Literature - Historical
Games (thanks for the reminder)
Comics - manga
Comics - webcomics
Keifer Sutherland
THIS ONE! Thank you <3<3
A couple last notes? If you didn't put your fandoms in your author letter link, I didn't check it. If you didn't put your original requests in your letter, and it wasn't patently obvious what you wanted, you may see ??? or not see yourself at all. It depends on how tired I was at that moment.