Spreadsheet geekery

Nov 11, 2008 04:22

First I must thank bookshop, whose gigantic spreadsheet of doom inspired me to make my own, and http://techonthenet.com for their nifty Excel function reference. *g*

I have compiled a humongous spreadsheet with all nominated fandoms, number of requests and number of offers in separate columns.

Get the Yuletide 2008 Fandoms! (Excel, Sendspace link) Updated after 1) pene caught an error (see comments) and 2) someone sneaked in at the very last possible moment and changed the counts again... :D

The brave among you can get the full version, containing the convoluted formulas I've used to obtain an accurate count starting from the fandom name with (reqs,offers), (reqs) or (offers) tacked on. (And only a colour code to distinguish between the latter two, which doesn't copy well to Excel formulas. :P)

Get the pompously named Yuletide Data Aggregator! (1.6MB Excel, Sendspace link)

And for the sake of it... There may be are simpler ways of doing it, but my method was this:

1. Copy all fandoms from http://www.yuletidetreasure.org/get_requested_fandoms.cgi and paste into a text editor, save text file.

2. Open the text file with Excel. It will detect that it's a delimited file, click Next and not directly Finish to make sure it detected "Tab" as the delimiter; on the third screen choose "Text" instead of "General", just to make sure it doesn't transform the fandom names in weird ways. Save As Excel workbook; you should have three columns with fandoms.

3. The tedious part - copy the contents of second and third columns after the end of the first. Sort column ascending.

4. Copy the ordered column into the pompously named Yuletide Data Aggregator's first column.

5. Do the same for the unoffered fandoms (from the "List Neediest Fandoms" button, but only copy the red ones, which have only requests), also sort ascending. This is important for later.

6. Copy the sorted column into the "unoffered" sheet of the pompously named Yuletide Data Aggregator, first column. The second column removes trailing white spaces, which is important for the exact lookup I'm doing.

7. The Final Requests and Final Offers columns should recalculate the formulas.

8. Copy the two columns and Paste Special - Values into the other Final Requests and Final Offers columns.

9. Cry as someone has slipped under the wire just when you thought the count was final and you have to do it all again... :D

ETA: 9b. Cry as you're kindly informed that there was a much easier way... :D

Phew, that was fun! Hey, it's (was, on the 10th) my birthday and I'll geek if I want to. ;)

Now to do some actual processing with that data. *g*


Top 10 by number of offers (there's a tie for 10th place):

Fairy Tales (trad) (19,152)
Mythology - Greek and Roman (10,150)
Dr Horribles Sing-Along Blog (15,128)
*Terry Pratchett - Discworld (27,119)
Pushing Daisies (23,113)
The Princess Bride (movie) (5,107)
*Chuck (44,104)
How I Met Your Mother (18,89)
Tamora Pierce - Tortall series (18,88)
*Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (24,86)
Psych (19,86)

Top 10 by number of requests:

*Chuck (44,104)
The Middleman (tv) (36,78)
Life (tv) (28,67)
Lois McMaster Bujold - Vorkosigan series (28,54)
*Terry Pratchett - Discworld (27,119)
Merlin UK (tv) (27,69)
Jim Butcher - The Dresden Files (27,65)
Friday Night Lights (tv) (26,52)
Naomi Novik - Temeraire series (25,51)
*Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (24,86)

(I starred those that made it into both tops.)

Total fandoms: 2572, out of which 2085 were requested. Out of them, 39 were requested but not offered, which leaves 2046 "non-problem" fandoms. (Ignoring the situations where the lone offer comes from the requester, alas.)

Out of the 487 unrequested fandoms, only 47 got no activity at all (no offers either).


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