more unofficial chat shenanigans

Dec 22, 2007 16:14

With t-minus 7 hours to go for pinch-hitters, the IRC chat people are trying something new: the official unofficial chat Hippo. In theory, whomever has the Hippo prefix in chat can be private messaged for beta requests. The Hippo will then convey this information to the chatroom, thus preserving anonymity and promoting general stealthiness. Beware, there may be multiple hippos. (We apologize to anyone who wanted to be a hippo this year.)

IRC instructions
Resource: A helpful guide

Some quick chat commands --
/join #yuletide
Gets you in the correct room at

/nick your new moniker

/msg someone's nick or /query someone's nick
Or click their name on the side to private message them.

/me funky dance!
Action! Try it ;)

See comments for more!

From before:
Other Mod Posts of Note: (The dashed ones are not mod posts.)
Find Uploading Help: here.
Bit of uploading text advice
Find Letters to Yuletide Writers: here.
- list of letters
Find Beta Readers: here.
- resources for culture queries
- genre beta query
Watch for Pinch-Hits on LJ: here.
- Possibly absent recipients

ETA: Yes we need betas! Lightning quick betas! Please join us!

There is MUCH more at yuletide_admin.


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